Bermuda Normal Map

Is the bermuda normalmaps supposed to be working in the latest build “Bermuda_Beta_0.19.0.44505”?

I’m using 3dsmax Design 2012 and mentalray and I get this errormessage:
MSG 0.0 error: Custom translation interface for mtl/tex ‘Bermuda_Normal_Map ( Bermuda Normal Map )’: Shader declaration “FloodSurfNormalMap” not found.

Also getting errors with the foam map:
MSG 0.0 error: Custom translation interface for mtl/tex ‘Map #16 ( Bermuda Whitecaps )’: Shader declaration “FloodSurfFoamMap” not found.

I’m new to Bermuda Beta, so I’m not sure what’s wrong.

Tried installing an older build just to make sure. Bermuda_Beta_0.19.0.44484. Got the same error message in mentalray, but it works with scanline. I suppose it will work with scanline if I install the latest build as well then (since I never tested with scanline before).

From the errors you’re getting, it would appear that the mental ray shader .dll files are not being installed correctly. I’ll run some tests here to make sure the installer is working like I would expect. Thank you for the report!

It looks like the installer is broken. I will try to fix the installer. In the meantime, here’s what you can do to manually fix the problem:

Note: These instructions are for the default paths. If you changed the install paths, please adjust these paths:


copy this file:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Bermuda\mentalray2012\x64\Bermuda.dll

to this location:
    C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\mentalimages\shaders_autoload\mentalray\shaders\


copy this file:
   C:\Program Files (x86)\Thinkbox\Bermuda\mentalray2012\include\Bermuda.mi

to this location:
   C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2012\mentalimages\shaders_autoload\mentalray\include\

The next time you restart 3ds max, mentalray should be able to find the required shader translations.


Thanks for that! :slight_smile: I will try it with mentalray againg later. Right now I am testing it a little bit with V-ray.