Bermuda render times

Wanted to say hello to everyone, as i just joined the beta team. Thanks to everyone at Thinkbox for allowing me this chance.
I will write up a first impression in couple days, but would like to throw this out first.

  1. is there any bench marks for bermuda?
  2. and what are other testers seeing for render times.

I am finding then to be long… like sucked into the triangle long.
for instance.
basic scene, no added lighting
flat shaded default material added to mesh (with normal map)
Bermuda node, left to default settings.
rendered on a dual xeon 2.6 with 12 gigs of ram (64 bit os)
at 640x480 scanline render takes 4:08 mins

Of course removing the Normal map means it only takes about 2 seconds to render…
or switch to mental ray ( which seems to have issue as well, ) takes the render down to about 30 seconds…



I agree, the normal map (in the current build) is quite slow. I have found a few ways to optimize it, and plan on doing a full profile on the software to find ways to optimize the program as a whole. 4:00 seems long. Normally it takes about a minute or two for me (which is still think is a little slow). I’d also expect that no matter how long the full render is, the normal map shouldn’t add more than a few minutes total, but I will work on getting that down.

The benchmark I generally use is the default Bermuda setup using Scanline with varying mesh tessellation settings.

Normal maps are not supported in mental ray in the current build either, so it would just be the mesh that you’re seeing.

BTW, mental ray is now fully supported. You can get the latest build in the downloads section.