What is the best way to temporarily send jobs to a different repo using deadlinecommand?
I’m launching a process in python via popen, and firing the -ChangeRepository command at the start of the running script to change to a different repo, and another -ChangeRepository to change it back to the normal repo once the script is run.
This sort of works, but it doesn’t always switch the repo’s correctly. It might be that the process is still running the command before and hasn’t completed yet.
Thanks for reaching out. I do not think this can be improved you are using the right command here. I think you can add a some wait time in your script to avoid what is happening.
You can also make use of REST API (Webservice) to submit jobs to different Repos. In that way you will not have to change your submission script but just the connection hostname provided the Web Services for two different Repos are hosted on two different machines/VMs.
Yes, it is possible to post existing Job and Plugin Info files when submitting Jobs via Deadline Web service, Instead of providing the configuration parameters directly in the script , you can reference the existing Job Info and plugin Info files and include them in the submission request. Ensure the contents of these files are in JSON format expected by the Deadline Web Service.
Also, you can submit jobs to specific repository using RunCommandForRepository deadlinecommand that gives you the ability to run the command specific to that repository, here is the example to submit Job from Job Info and Plugin Info files which is run by navigating to bin folder of Deadline:
deadlinecommand RunCommandForRepository Direct "C:\DeadlineRepository10;C:\DeadlineDatabase10\certs\Deadline10Client.pfx -SubmitBackgroundJob “Path_to_jobInfo.job” “path_to_pluginInfo.job”
You need to provide connection string as repository path;certificate to authenticate the clients by Database!