beta 13, monitor, right click menu extremely slow

I’ve selected 90 slaves, and tried to do a ‘restart after current task’. But the right click menu froze up when i went to the ‘remote’ options. After a minute or two, monitor came back, but when i tried right clicking again, it froze even before getting to the right click menu. Not sure what it is, but every 2-3 mins, the deadline monitor seems to refresh, the selection flashes, then it freezes up again.

Weird. I thought we had fixed this in beta 13. In your Monitor, can you select Help -> About and let us know the Deadline version number you see?


  • Ryan

I think it was still mid self update. It first went through an update cycle, then opened the monitor. Thats when i saw that behavior.

When i killed the monitor and reopened it, it went into an update cycle again.

What i have now though, is that the remote options do not show up at all? Even in superuser mode?

I restarted the monitor again, and now i get all the remote options.

Nothing a couple of restarts wont fix! :slight_smile:

I think there might be a bug in how the remote control options are displayed in beta 13. We’ve seen the same thing you saw here, and we’re currently looking into it.

Confirmed this to be a bug with Sub Menus – if you bring up the Context menu as a user that doesn’t have permissions to anything in a submenu, it’ll disappear and won’t come back until you restart the Monitor.

I’ve fixed it internally (will be in the next build), but you can work around it on your end by making sure your User Group (Tools -> Manage User Groups) has access to at least one thing in the Remote Control menu, so that it won’t disappear.