beta 13 - "mono" title - OSX / suspend log visual clue


  1. If you launch monitor or slave via the OSX launcher, then the name in the top level states “mono” instead of “DeadlineMonitor” or “DeadlineSlave”. This is not the case if you launch monitor or slave directly.
  2. slave log - suspend/resume function. I like it, instead of horizontal pull-down like in v5.x. However, I feel it needs a visual glue that the log has been suspended on that slave. I didn’t test, but I assume if you close and re-open the slave and/or launch other slaves, then the log is reset and back to streaming again? Anyway, would be good to maybe, give the entire slave log window a “green” std v6 highlight around its edge to show the log is suspended?

Hey Mike,

  1. This will be fixed in beta 14. Thanks for reporting this!

  2. Yeah, a visual indication that the log has been suspended would be useful. We can’t use the green hightlight though, since that’s already used by Qt to show the log window has focus. I’m sure we can think of something though. You’re also correct that when the slave is restarted, it will always have an active log window by default.


  • Ryan