beta 14: monitor not showing proper pools/groups

The pools & groups were changed on another workstation for most of the farm, but my monitor did not show these changes, only after i restarted the monitor.

It became very suspicious that slaves that are not supposed to be rendering certain jobs were rendering them just happily… I spent about 15-20 mins remoting into boxes, thinking i went crazy. Then i restarted the monitor, and voila! i saw that someone changed the pools/groups.

Is it normal for those entries not to update?

Do you mean the pools/groups that the slaves were currently assigned to? Or the ones showing up in your Configure Pools/Groups? Or, was it in the combo boxes in the job properties dialog?

Just want to make sure we’re looking at the same thing you are.


  • Ryan

The pools / groups column contents displayed in the slave list for each slave in the monitor’s main dialog (not the assignment popup).

We can reproduce this while the slave is offline, but when the slave is online, the pools/groups seem to be updated in the Slave List properly the next time the slave updates its state.

I’m assuming you see this behavior when the slave is online? If so, is this a problem you can easily reproduce?


  • Ryan

Yeah the slaves were online. Last couple of days Christian found a default connection limit in mongodb, maybe it was related to that. We recently grew our deadline farm to around 450+ machines, so with the constant updates it might have been running low on connections for some of the threads to update properly? Anyway, will keep an eye on this issue!

Yeah, I guess that could be a possibility. Definitely let us know if it comes up again.