beta 5 feedback

Bit late, but feedback still relevant to beta 6 as well I believe:

  1. pre & post job/task script text displayed in the deadline monitor “task list” only displayed for “Pre” or “Post” job scripts. Should it not display similar text for “PreTask” or “PostTask” to make it clearer that such scripts are about to be executed as well?

  2. under options, monitor options, remote monitoring, “Custom Vnc Viewer Argurments” should read “Custom VNC Viewer Argurments” to be consistent with the rest of the naming convention on that dialog?

  3. “View Remote Command Status” dialog - please can it remember the size/position you last had it open at? I’m always having to re-size it when I open it!

  4. “Manage User Command Permissions” dialog : default vertical starting size be a lot bigger. Like double its present vertical size. I find everytime I use it, I have to re-size it to make re-viewing of the commands easier.

  5. “Reload scripts and plugin icons” - I’m not entirely convinced this new function is working correctly. Here’s some examples:

(i) changing the file name of an icon file *.ico in the /scripts/submission/custom job submission folder doesn’t get updated when this function is executed.
(ii) updating/changing the icon file *.ico and hitting this function doesn’t seem to update the icon in the monitor.
(iii) editing the *.ini file containing the monitor job submission title name doesn’t get updated when you hit this function.
(iv) editing a tooltips.ini file, the new tooltips don’t seem to get updated till you again, actually restart the monitor.
(v) permissions in the *.ini file of a general script don’t seem to get updated in the current deadline monitor, again, after the “reload” button is pressed.

These are all things which I kind of assumed would be updated / re-read when this button is pressed?


Hey Mike,

Thanks for the feedback!

  1. Pre and Post job scripts are actual Tasks, which is why they’re represented that way. Pre and Post task scripts aren’t separate entities, and because the pre/post task scripts will always be the same files, it might be redundant to display that info in the task list for each task.

  2. Good eye. We’ll fix that.

3/4) I think what we need to do is just remember the size of each resizable window in the Monitor. :slight_smile:

  1. Yup, you’re right. We’ll try to figure this one out for the next beta release.


  • Ryan