mini-map icon has no tooltip, yet all the other icons in the job dependency view do.
how about making the mini-map icon “green” whenever it is in use? In keeping with the “lock on currently selected job” button?
when resizing the mini-map in any corner (nice feature by the way), it has a bit of a flicker and goes a bit funny when you make it as small as you can and then quickly resize it bug again.
RC menu in the view says “MiniMap” but the “MiniMap” sub-menu has the word with a lowercase “m” - “Minimap”. Consistency / my OCD problem
With “lock view” padlock icon “green” in the top right icon menu, if I RC the “lock view” menu entry doesn’t have a “green” icon. Consistency / now I’m just getting annoying
Trying to click the “+” or “-” symbol to expand/collapse the details of a specific job is very hard to achieve. Most times, I accidentally double-click and the job properties dialog pops up. DO this enough times and you lose the will to live
I’m constantly looking of a “zoom all” & “zoom extents” buttons next to the “zoom level” in the top right corner of the view UI. It takes too many RC clicks just to do a simple zoom by a single click. Yes, I know there is the scroll/middle mouse button, but this is very tricky to control on an Apple Magic Mouse! (ie: no middle mouse button!)
“Save View” button never seems to be enabled/working?
When I select 1 or more nodes, I was expecting the RC menu to change to allow the expanding/collapsing of JUST the SELECTED nodes INSTEAD of only being able to expand/collapse ALL nodes. The ability to expand/collapse ALL nodes should be kept of course. However, need the ability to control individual or currently selected nodes expand/collapsed state. Yes, I know you can individually click on the nodes “+” / “-” symbol, but not practical if you have selected 30 jobs out of 100 visible or something crazy like that
I can’t explain it easily, but the font or font style in the “details” of each node is looking strange on OSX. I mean, compared to the rest of the Deadline environment UI, the fonts / font style is super sharp, but the node details in the job dependency view look funny and it’s my monitor as I’m looking through a brand new retina display!
The RC scripts menu entry is always greyed out. Look’s like it is dead?
I was able to create a circular dependency by making job A depend on job B being finished and also vice-versa. This doesn’t sound right or shouldn’t be allowed?
Trying to connect the nodes to each other by deleting any existing connection and connecting them visually, is very hard to achieve. I clicked the “circle” icon on the right side of a node like 6 or 7 times, before I was able to get the connecting line to appear. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? It wasn’t intuitive for a user
Keyboard shortcuts for expand/collapse ALL nodes?
“Zoom ALL” & “Zoom Extents” when nothing is selected are acting a bit strange. Shouldn’t they both zoom to the overall canvas size to fit the currently visible jobs or to a default zoom level ONLY when NO jobs are visible? Perhaps, it’s because I had the lock view enabled?
A lovely and subtle feature in the 3D application, Rhino is the difference between when the cursor draws a bounding box starting in the top left hand corner or the top right-hand corner. Here’s 2 examples:
1 2 5 6
3 4 7 8
[EDIT: Damm you php BB auto-formatting gods. If I had a $ for every time it messed with my formatting…man]
Draw a bounding box from 1 to 4, will select all nodes (jobs) which the bounding box fully encloses. Drawing a bounding box from 6 to 7, will select ANY nodes which are either fully enclosed OR partially enclosed (overlapping) by the bounding box drawn. So, imagine if we had this for the dependency view. You can then control which nodes you select including their connecting links.
Alternatively, 3dsMax provides a toggle button between these 2 ways of selecting objects or in our case, nodes.
Auto-alignment of the nodes, shuffle to order them vertically/horizontally, alignment of the connecting links to the closes 90 degree angle and the ability to “kiss” one node against another to connect them up. - All these things I’ve mentioned before
In the future, will we be able to RC in the job dependency view and “Add Asset” or “Add Script”?
When I click on a job in the node view, the “tasks” & “job details” & “job reports” don’t update with the currently selected node (job). Doesn’t matter if the “lock view” is enabled or disabled.
Shouldn’t the view automatically refresh anyway? Not sure I understand why you need to hit a “refresh” button? Especially, I was thinking that a refresh should take place whenever an “operation” has been carried out whatever that may be.
Hitting refresh on the view and the node will sometimes re-align / move themselves…not sure why they should do that?
You might not think this from reading my notes, but job dependency view is coming along nicely since beta 3
Need to take a look into this, it was on my list (qt doesn’t like trying to make items with a negative size), also it appears to be falling behind on the redraws
Yeah, apparently i was sloppy when i did that… done now
Done, and hey if you didn’t see it someone would later down the line
This was already changed internally before it was going off the mask of the icon (just the black) it is now going off the bounding box
Your wish is my command
Save view appears to be working just fine for me currently (we have removed the “live” mode that we had before, so this is used to commit the changes that have been made)
Yeah that should be addable, nothing too crazy
I am not really sure for this one, I will check out the fonts to see if anything is different
Try it while a node is selected. I guess i can probably hide it while none are
This has always been allowed in deadline, they will just never be released from pending if they both are pending. Also detection can be come really slow, example if there is a dependency chain of A->B->C->…->Z->A it is a circular dependency and we would have to follow the chain every time for every check down every path.
I am not sure what is up with that, I am finding it working just fine at least until i zoom out more than 50% at least.
I will add those just need to go search for what button combination makes sense, and hasn’t already been used
Did not see that before, but I think I know what is going on, we changed some thing for how the drawing is being done, which adds a pointer which we are hiding. I forgot to remove that from the calculations for the bounding rect. The zoom all appears to be working properly I believe going to the entire scene rect(which does not shrink). Either way should be fixed next build
I can look into this one I am not sure for it though
These are one I am still trying to find a good way of doing them
For these do you mean open for example open a file browser to select what files you want added?
This was by design, it was not meant to replace the job list view
The view does live updates of the data for the nodes, however since we are not doing a “live” mode, you have to manually tell it to redraw the nodes if you want changes to the graph to be reflected it will remove all nodes that are no longer part of the tree(based off selected node), update the tree based off of any changes other may have made to the dependencies (similar to opening a new job properties panel). Also the main function of the Lock view is so that no matter what changes on the list view the job dependency view will not redraw (useful for say dragging and dropping nodes into the graph to connect them)
The redraw button does exactly as the button says and redraws the view using the same start as if you had clicked off of it in the job list and then clicked back.
Hopefully that clears things up slightly/ gets some of these going and it is great that you think it is coming along nicely these things help quite a bit.
Actually, I was thinking the shouldn’t just go off the “+” or “-” bounding box, but also include the bounding box of the word “Details” as well?
OK, I see now. Got it working. I think I miss the live mode already…
Yeah, it’s like the spacing between the characters has been ‘fully justified’?
Negative. No matter what I do, the RC scripts menu is always greyed out and never accessible via the node view. (on OSX if that makes a difference?)
Yep, ability for user to add nodes, so if it’s an asset/script, then open browser to allow selection. Otherwise, user has to navigate away from node view and then come back again, once this asset/script has been added; which feels a bit clunky / too many mouse clicks.
Sorry, going to disagree on this one. It should update the tasks/job details panels, if LOCK view is disabled. When you click on a job in the list view, the node view updates with the job selected if LOCK view is disabled. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to update the tasks/job details panels when a node is selected AND LOCK view is disabled? Can we discuss this one further? Fair enough, don’t update these panels when multiple nodes are selected.
There is no UNDO functionality in the node view? Multiple undo?
Hey mike
6. We are going to try it off the icon for now, and see how that goes if need be it can be swapped later. The main thing is that if it is collapsed it becomes more difficult to move around since smaller hit detection
8. Yeah we removed live mode since it has too high of a chance of screwing things up. Eg random artist in a studio goes to check on there job accidentally removes a connection and then exits the view. You now have to go search for the correct job and reattach.
10/11. Not sure for this still need to look into it more today
18. yeah this can be added should be in next build
19. We can try it out for next build however we might revert it. Currently it is meant to work similar to the tasks and job details panels as in connected to the main job list. For the lock view I highly doubt we will use differing logic. All that lock is suppose to do is “disconnect” job change updates from the main job list panel.
22. I will look into this after the rest is done, however I am 99% sure this will not be in 6.1
For the rest of them a quick update
1,2,4,5,7,9,15 are completed
16 will be in using a RC menu + button to switch between modes
+1 vote for “entirely enclosed” bounding marquee selection not “partially enclosed”. Nuke uses entirely enclosed and it makes selecting batches of nodes possible that with partially enclosed would be impossible.
I just gave the dependency view a test-drive, and thought I’d add my comments to this thread.
The graph view updates to match the selection in the monitor unless multiple jobs are selected (in which case it shows nothing). I’m not sure what the logic is here, but I think consistency would be good. It would also make creating new dependency links much simpler, which brings me to…
In order to create new dependency links between jobs, you have to select them all in the job list and drag them into the view together. This took me a few minutes to figure out, and seems like an unnecessary requirement (see above item about matching selection).
When you do drag several jobs into the dependency view, their tiles are all drawn in the same place, obscuring each other. It took me another minute to realize this, at which point I had to manually spread them out.
If I break a dependency connection, save my changes, and then click “No” when asked if I would like to release the formerly dependent jobs, the job’s status is never updated, even though it has no remaining dependencies (i.e. it still says “Pending (Dependencies/Assets)” and doesn’t pick up). It should probably be suspended at that point.
I think that release prompt dialog should have more explicit button labels; maybe “Release” and “Suspend”
For the whole partially enclosed vs fully enclosed I made it so you can switch between them now (button on UI and RC menu) the default is currently intersects
We are using the same logic for multiple job selection as the tasks panel and Job details panels which also only show if a single job is selected
For placement of dragged jobs it should be dropping them where ever your mouse pointer is at the end of the drag (moving the scene to show as much of the scene as possible if it is smaller then the full view)
For the releasing, this probably should be changed, suspending makes sense to me.
and sure for the button labels
Right, but in the case of the dependency graph, this logic is more harmful than helpful, and having multiple selections show up together would make creating job dependencies much, much easier.
Yes, it seems to be dropping them where my mouse pointer is, but it stacks them on top of each other (which then requires me to flatten and organize them). It seems like it should at least make some attempt at arranging them.
The major problem we are seeing with using multiple selection is scalabilty and performance. Since we have to draw every single job selected (and their trees) this is not feasible in large amounts. A quick example to show how this could break is to select all jobs in the job panel and then drag them into the view for myself (57 jobs) this takes around 3-4 seconds of the entire monitor being unusable. This would happen everytime a large group is selected and a job dependency view is open.
For the positioning of the dropped jobs I will look into that now I just need to think of some good logic for how to place them.
The more I think about it, the more it seems like the automatic syncronization with the job list selection should be made a view option, along with a button to “sync dependency view to job list selection” or similar. Not having multiple selections automatically reflected in the dependency view hurts its effectiveness as a tool for creating and modifying connections, and really doesn’t make sense when other selection changes are reflected automatically.
The fact that all jobs must be selected and dragged together also feels strange, and seems to help the case for making auto-syncing the view optional. Consider the case where you already have a dependency tree or a couple of jobs in the view. Now say you want to bring in another job in order to add it into the tree. In order to do this, you have to re-select all the original jobs as well as any new ones you want to add in the job list, and then re-drag them into the view, rather than just being able to grab and drag a single job in. If the auto-sync was on-demand only, I could be adding and connecting jobs as I go without having to think everything through in advance and make a list of what to bring in.
Ah I see what is happening now, auto sync can actually be turned off currently using the lock button (might need to change the naming to make that more obvious) all it does is make it ignore all job changed events, which allows you to just drag new stuff in (it’s original point), this allows you to add whichever nodes you want in addition to what is currently their (you can also drag and drop file to add script/asset dependencies.
Thanks for the heads-up… the “lock” option makes things much more usable.
On a different note, I would love to see some of the mouse behavior from Nuke’s DAG view incorporated into the dependency view (mainly middle-click to zoom extents, and middle-click-drag to set the zoom region).
I have the middle click zoom to extents in now, I just wanted to confirm for the middle click drag is the functionality you want the if you hold middle & left click then drag to zoom(like in nuke) otherwise i am not seeing a middle click drag to zoom in nuke (I am new to nuke however so I may have missed it).
Sorry, by default it’s not on anymore. It’s considered the “old” behavior, but it’s a very fast way to navigate when combined with MMB click to “zoom to extents.”
To enable it, open your Nuke preferences, and on the Viewers tab, uncheck the box labeled “middle button pans” in the Interaction section. After doing that, you’ll see that MMB-drag is used to set the zoom extents for the node graph.