Loading a saved layout or clicking on a pinned layout, will load the correct layout, but where you have a panel with multiple tabs in it within the monitor, the tabs are in a different order, reading left to right, then went you saved the layout OR pinned the layout. Essentially, layout’s don’t remember the order of tabs within a panel.
If a user creates a monitor layout file by saving it to a file server location and that user or another user loads in this monitor layout file. Then you are unable to ever delete this monitor layout file as it is file locked. You will have to ensure all instances of monitor are shutdown which are referencing this layout file. Of course, this isn’t practical for a studio.
Lightning.dlx needs a “Do NOT render” function effectively. If you run a FumeFX Sim via Deadline, AT the end of the SIM, Lightning renders the single frame number which more than likely the user will not want to have happen. Worse still, if you have MR as the renderer, then it crashes out. Luckily Scanline and QuickSilver renderers do not crash out. VRay just renders as well and you can “kind of” hack VRay a little, by enabling “Do NOT render” button in indirect illumination which will help BUT again, in all these example renderers above, more than likely, the user will NOT want any rendering to take place. So…how about a setting called “Do NOT Render”, exposed to SMTD as well, which allows users to tell Lightning to SKIP the SDK render command and return successfully via the py plugin? This would be similar to telling the 3dsmax plugin that it is a “MaxScript Job” and therefore don’t render. Although, no custom Maxscript file/job would need to be executed.
See attached log report for an example of this exact MR crash situation, together with identical SIM jobs but with either Scanline or QuickSilver enabled as the renderer.
FumeFX_Lightning_Crash_Renderer_Reports.zip (19.9 KB)
- Slave messages when Pulse isn’t running. Not errors, but maybe needs a tidy up? Cleaner messages?
2013-10-09 09:32:19: Info Thread - Could not check if Pulse is running because: The requested address is not valid in its context
2013-10-09 09:32:19: at Deadline.Net.DeadlineNetUtils.ConnectSocket(IPAddress ipAddress, Int32 port, Int32 maxAttempts, Boolean verbose, MonitorManager monitorManager)
2013-10-09 09:32:19: at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveInfoThread.a()
2013-10-09 09:32:21: Scheduler - Could not check if throttling is necessary from Deadline Pulse because: The requested address is not valid in its context
2013-10-09 09:32:21: at Deadline.Net.DeadlineNetUtils.ConnectSocket(IPAddress ipAddress, Int32 port, Int32 maxAttempts, Boolean verbose, MonitorManager monitorManager)
2013-10-09 09:32:21: at Deadline.Net.DeadlineNetUtils.ConnectSocket(IPAddress ipAddress, Int32 port, Int32 maxAttempts, Boolean verbose)
2013-10-09 09:32:21: at Deadline.Scheduling.SchedulerUtils.AddToPulseThrottlingQueue(DeadlineNetworkSettings networkSettings, SlaveState& slaveState)
Not a major issue, but it does dump a stack whenever the message is printed.
- Job Properties, required assets. Click on Add, then click on “cancel” in the “Add Asset” folder OS browser and you get this error in console:
2013-10-10 16:20:30: Traceback (most recent call last):
2013-10-10 16:20:30: File "DeadlineUI\UI\Forms\JobPropertyForms\RequiredAssetsForm.py", line 82, in addButtonClicked
2013-10-10 16:20:30: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'filesContainPadding' referenced before assignment
Job Properties of a 3dsMax job - “3dsMax Settings” panel. Could the top left hand corner of the panel be anchored / pinned down, so that the “group boxes” / “rollouts” could be resized within the panel? I notice that the overall size of the Job Properties dialog has a fixed min. width, yet the “3dsmax Settings” panel isn’t resized automatically to fit the width of the min. width of the overall dialog, which would help give more space for long text strings to be readable. This affects other jobs so, it’s not just a 3dsMax job thing.
Add Feature? - “RAdmin” - “ConnectWithRAdmin.py” script? Back in the day, didn’t FF use RAdmin. I vaguely remember there being RAdmin functionality in Deadline v2.7?
I assume previously supplied feedback on the “Configure Cloud Providers…” dialog hasn’t been fixed yet?
MultiRegion SingleFrame Tile rendering jobs now fail to submit a Draft job via the SMTD as of beta 7.
MXS Listener prints out:
SMTD prints out:
See attached SMTD log report.
SubmitMaxToDeadline - [WIN7X64] - 10-10-2013-0010.log (21.8 KB)
- Every so often I get this in the console. Issue?:
2013-10-10 18:57:32: Error occurred while updating slave cache: Read failure (System.IO.IOException)
Pulse Web Service - crashing. [CAVEAT: tested via Deadline v5.2], if via iOS or Android on WiFi or 3G connection, I press the “refresh”, then “cancel”, then “refresh”, then “cancel” button enough times before the first data refresh has completed, it will crash out the web-service running on that Pulse and indeed lock the entire Pulse application up. Closing/Force killing the application and re-opening it normally fixes the issue. Yeah, I know v6 removes a lot of the work from Pulse…but I reckon this is worth giving a test as I reckon none of the web-service code has changed much since v5.2? (Make sure you have a good number of jobs all doing something when you carry out the tests. ie: 50+ slaves and 400 jobs+, of which 30+ are active) as this seems to make a difference. (READ: my previous comment about this being on v5.2)
“0: Got task!” - has this Slave STDout been removed from the Slave now, when it successfully picks up a task? Not sure, if it is internal debug info that should be cleaned up?
I sometimes get these error messages on my Win VM. I think it’s whenever the OSX host machine goes to sleep, where MongoDB lives and hence it loses it’s connection:
2013-10-11 13:00:53: Error occurred while updating pulse cache: No such host is known (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)
2013-10-11 13:04:36: Error occurred while updating Cloud Instances: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (mbp.local:27017):
2013-10-11 13:04:36: No such host is known (FranticX.Database.DocumentException)
2013-10-11 13:04:36: at b.a(MongoServer A_0, Exception A_1)
2013-10-11 13:04:36: at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoCloudStorage.GetCloudRegions(Boolean invalidateCache)
2013-10-11 13:04:36: at Deadline.StorageDB.CloudStorage.a()
2013-10-11 13:05:52: Error occurred while reloading network settings: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (mbp.local:27017):
2013-10-11 13:05:52: No such host is known (FranticX.Database.DocumentException)
2013-10-11 13:11:38: Error occurred while updating Cloud Instances: An unexpected error occurred while interacting with the database (mbp.local:27017):
2013-10-11 13:11:38: No such host is known (FranticX.Database.DocumentException)
2013-10-11 13:11:38: at b.a(MongoServer A_0, Exception A_1)
2013-10-11 13:11:38: at Deadline.StorageDB.MongoDB.MongoCloudStorage.GetCloudRegions(Boolean invalidateCache)
2013-10-11 13:11:38: at Deadline.StorageDB.CloudStorage.a()
2013-10-11 13:12:45: Error occurred while updating limit group cache: No such host is known (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException)
“Changed the wording of the Sync All Auxiliary Files job property to Re-sync Auxiliary Files Between Tasks” - Nope, it’s still named the old way! (in the job properties dialog - checkbox at the bottom)
House Cleaning in a separate thread now generates a lot of STDout in console. Looks ok to me. Just wondering if it’s a bit too much?
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Update timeout has been set to 300 seconds
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Popup Handling Enabled: False
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Using Process Tree: True
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Hiding DOS Window: True
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Creating New Console: False
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Executable: "/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources/deadlinecommand"
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Argument: -DoHouseCleaning 0 True
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Startup Directory: "/Applications/Thinkbox/Deadline6/Resources"
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Process Priority: BelowNormal
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Process Affinity: default
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Process is now running
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging repository temp files
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging deleted jobs
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging deleted job '5252a6c871bd0c0fa0fd3e6a' because it was deleted over 1 hour(s) ago
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging limits
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging old job and slave reports
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '5252a6c871bd0c0fa0fd3e6a' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '5254149d71bd0c012079f8cf' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '525522d171bd0c0834d192a1' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '5255237771bd0c082042b3c4' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '52554c8771bd0c0e70ba7c4d' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '52554cba71bd0c0d40d41bf1' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purging job reports for '52554cd771bd0c0b5c42f044' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: purged 9 job report files
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging old job auxiliary files
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '5252a6c871bd0c0fa0fd3e6a' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '5254149d71bd0c012079f8cf' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '525522d171bd0c0834d192a1' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '5255230171bd0c0878616591' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '5255237771bd0c082042b3c4' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '52554c8771bd0c0e70ba7c4d' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '52554cba71bd0c0d40d41bf1' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging job auxiliary files '52554cd771bd0c0b5c42f044' because the job no longer exists
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging old statistics
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging slave statistics that are older than Jun 13/13 13:44:56
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging repository statistics that are older than Jun 13/13 13:44:56
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Checking available Database connections
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Purging obsolete slaves
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Performing Job Repository Scan...
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Loading jobs
2013-10-11 13:44:56: Scanning jobs
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Archived completed job "FumeFX_Sim_Progress_SCANLINE" because Archive On Complete was enabled.
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Released pending job "FumeFX_Sim_Progress_MR" because its dependencies are finished and/or its required assets are available.
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Cleaning up orphaned tasks
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Done.
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Purging unsubmitted jobs
2013-10-11 13:44:57: Process exit code: 0
- “The slave will now return its license if it is disabled.” - license loop-hole? What if I own 5 licenses but go around starting up slaves and then instantly disable them and so-forth…wouldn’t I be able to run up lot’s of slaves > 5?