beta v12 feedback (OSX based)

  1. Monitor -> slave list -> “modify slave properties” form says “Form” in the form title!
  2. I’m hoping for all the various forms within monitor to remember their size & X/Y position between closing and re-opening?
  3. Slave -> no horizontal scroll-bar to produce 2 log windows within a slave form. (Just like how v5 works…)
  4. Magic mouse gestures on OSX make the navigating around the tabs in Monitor very hard!
  5. The ‘wireframe box’ icon logo on each of the submission scripts (menu drop-down), scripts drop-down menu and finally, the tools menu are almost impossible to see. I was expecting them to be more visible (more grey or something) and go more bold’like when you move the cursor over them.
  6. Single clicking (right clicking) using a magic mouse on the slave, pulses, limits, cloud tabs - does something weird and locks up the monitor.
  7. “Configure Plugins” form won’t re-size in the vertical - only the horizontal! Nor does it remember size and position on re-opening.
  8. PM -> “Add Idle Shutodwn Override” - typo in form title
  9. Initial size of “Manage Pools” form too small in horizontal and causes the text to get chopped. Possibly, needs new initial size?
  10. Same issue above with “Manage Groups”
  11. Draft Submission script/menu entry in monitor - missing?

More to come :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback!

  1. This will be fixed in beta 13.

  2. The resizable dialogs should already be doing this. Are there any that aren’t doing this for you?

  3. That’s by design. With the ability to suspend/resume the log (see the log’s right-click menu), having an upper log that doesn’t scroll and a lower one that does seems redundant.

  4. Can you give more specifics? What about the tab system makes this difficult? How does this mouse work with other applications that use tabs (ie: Nuke)?

  5. The issue is that the icons were generated with the assumption that they would always be against a dark background. On OSX, because they are part of the main title bar, this isn’t the case. We’ll have to fix this.

  6. Are you clicking on the actual tabs, or within the list? Do any error messages appear in the Monitor log, or in the OSX Console application?

  7. Logged as a bug.

  8. We’ll fix this for beta 13.

9/10. Hmm, it seemed okay when we tested it here. Can you send a screen shot? If you have to, you can use View -> Reset Layout to removed the currently cached size.

  1. Yup. This will be fixed in beta 13.


  • Ryan
  1. I will re-review and make a list.

  2. Would still be useful to have this feature for when you are physically connected to a slave running. I really don’t want to have to boot up monitor locally just so I can read the logs easily. Sometimes, I have to be logged into a slave to see what is going wrong with say 3dsMax or a pop-up occuring in an application. Deadline should be capturing most things via STDOUT/STDERR, but nothing beats eye balling in on an issue when you are debugging.

  3. I think it’s a combination of the mouse being overly sensitive, as it takes the slightest touch with a finger to have you jump from say, the first tab to the 3rd or 4th tab in a series of tabs in a particular ‘corner’ area od the monitor interface. It’s more the mouse than Deadline on this issue. Need to find a way to tell the gestures to chill out but without fully disabling them. :slight_smile: Just tested it in Nuke and I get the same issue, so don’t worry about it!

  4. If I click on my magic mouse as if to make a right-click with 2-fingers, but only use 1 finger, then the whole Deadline UI freezes. If I navigate away to another application, give it a second or so, and come back again, then Deadline monitor is responsive again. No crashes, no error messages/log messages, just a little graphics glitch…which I guess, may just be me?
    9/10. Scrap that. Working fine now.

  5. Submission script typos:
    All Submission Interfaces - typo - “Limit Tasks To Slave’s Task Limi”
    Submit Nuke Job To Deadline - “Submit Nuke Script File With” - missing something…?
    Submit vRay Job To Deadline - “Convert vrimg Files To exr…” text at bottom of submission UI is getting chopped…

Finally, this little beauty…OMG:

Can’t wait to use this in production. It’s going to make updating to the latest build sooooo much easier…as I can sandbox my stuff from the generic stuff. BUT, critically…if I have a custom, tweaked plugin/script from the generic one, then I can force Deadline to use ‘my special version’ instead of the vanilla one. Nice touch guys!


  1. You can suspend/resume the log from the Slave UI as well. :slight_smile:

  2. That’s so weird. Do you see anything like this in Nuke? I’m only asking because we’re basically letting Qt handle the right-clicking. It’s not like it was with the Mono UI code where Mono simply didn’t know how to process the click.

  3. Looks like we have a few more text cut-off issues. We’ll try to reproduce this on our Macs too.

  1. Ah. Didn’t know about that feature. That will do nicely :slight_smile:
  2. Yep, similar issue with Nuke. I guess Magic mice are just a bit too sensitive on a Mac when using QT based software. I’m not too worried as we aren’t an OSX house.