beta10: editing environment variables in job properties

This does not seem to work. I added a bunch at submission time, but am unable to edit them from the monitor, neither using the “edit” button, neither typing directly in the field. (click ok, reopen the properties dialog, and they go back to their original values).

Tried adding a couple of test environment variables via the monitor, they either do not appear if i reopen the properties dialog, or if they do, are also un-editable.

After a couple of env variables edit attempts, all of the existing environment varialbes for the job now went missing.

The rows shouldn’t be directly editable, so that’s a bug. There is nothing hooked up to handle direct edits, which is why they don’t persist.

Currently, the edit option only allows you to edit the value, not the name. You would have to remove the old one and add a new one. We should be able to allow changing the name as well.

I couldn’t reproduce the case where all variables disappear. Is this something you can reliably reproduce on your end? If so, can you provide the exact steps to reproduce?


  • Ryan

We had some illegal characters in the environment variable values, which might have contributed to all of them disappearing. Trying to hunt them down now, but it looked like this:

;HN� �E/scripts;r�8`/scripts;

Sadness, but thats what maya returns. Some plugin is registering something incorrectly to pythonpath/modulepath/scriptpath :.

Anyway, ill test a bit once i cleared those out