AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

beta13 SMTD, UI_Report line in _functions

The following line was added to the _functions script:

SMTD_MainRollout.Ui_report (">Region Mode: " + regionMode as string+" | Assembler Mode: "+ AssemblyMode as string)

In the CreateJobInfoFile function. In custom submissions, where the gui is not used, this crashes the script.

I think a try/catch would be needed like in other cases.


My bad, will fix ASAP!

EDIT: Added try()catch() to 84 calls to UI_report inside the Functions, just in case (some are more or less expected to be run with UI up, but you never know).
That and a boatload of improvements to Region rendering features will be in the next Beta build. I am sure you can patch your copy for now…

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