AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Beta4 - launching viewer - wrong env?

This might be moot in beta7 with all the upcoming python environment changes, but we have some errors currently on beta4 when starting a task image viewer.
Its a simple batch file that runs a python script sets up the show environment, appropriate LUTs and framecycler settings, and then launches framecycler. It uses pyqt internally.

When running the command from a command prompt, it works. When running it through deadline’s viewer option in the task pane, i get this (stuff in green is output from our sitecustomize script that adds the qt/pyqt and sitepackages folders for this python):

C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline6\bin>C:\Python26_64\python.exe \S2\exchange\software\managed\pythonScripts\framecycler_tools\ “\inferno2\projects\vulcan\scenes\MR_102_0155\images\render3d\FL-Dust\v0033_ehw_Tweak\beauty_hdx_rlin\MR_102_0155_FL-Dust_beauty_v0033_l.1021.exr” /BEAUTYJPG
Turned off pyc generation
Loading config: default
Config path = \S2\exchange\software\managed\pythonScripts\sitecustomize\ScanlineSite\configs\
Clearing QT environment variables
Resetting QT environment variables \s2\exchange\software\managed\Libraries\Qt\4.5.0_x64
Adding site path //s2/exchange/software/managed/pythonScripts/site-packages
Adding site path //s2/exchange/software/managed/pythonScripts/site-packages_2.6_64
Adding site path //s2/exchange/software/managed/pythonScripts/site-packages_configured/sip/windows_amd64_msc8_python26__4_8
Adding site path //s2/exchange/software/managed/pythonScripts/site-packages_configured/PyQt4/windows_amd64_msc8_python26__pyqt4_5_qt4_5_0
Adding site path //s2/exchange/software/managed/pythonScripts/site-packages_configured/scl/windows_amd64_msc9_python26__qt4_7_1_internal
Scanline Site Initialized

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “\S2\exchange\software\managed\pythonScripts\framecycler_tools\”, line 8, in
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

It seems to be due to the fact its running from the deadline bin folder. If its outside of that, it does not seem to have a problem… Is that expected? For now i have put a "Cd " in front of the command.

Hey Laszlo,

This should be fixed in beta 7 too. I just tested and confirmed that the startup directory is not the Deadline bin folder, and the Monitor is not passing its own Python environment variables to the viewer process.


  • Ryan
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