Big news: We're moving from phpBB to Discourse!

Hello Thinkbox Community!

We have a big announcement to make regarding the Thinkbox Forums.

We will be transitioning the forums to a new Discourse ( server to provide a more modern discussion experience. Improvements include a streamlined interface for reading and posting topics, infinite scrolling instead of navigating multiple pages, topic tagging, and support for Markdown formatting.

To make the transition as seamless as possible for the community, ALL existing categories, threads, and posts from the public Software Support forums will be migrated to the new forums prior to launch. We will also take this time to do some housecleaning, which includes closing off many of the old beta forums.

In addition, all existing forum user accounts will be migrated to the new Discourse forums. These will be considered Legacy accounts, and you will still be able to login using your Legacy username and password. Any new forum accounts must be created using your existing Amazon account (just like the Downloads (

We will send another announcement with the planned migration date, so be on the lookout for that. During the migration, the forums will be unavailable.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Thinkbox Support ( or ask here.