Blender 3.0.1 - 30xx multi GPU issue

Hello all,

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this or if this is not a deadline centric issue.

I have multiple render nodes and seemingly an issue that is centred around 30xx series of GPU’S

One node that has x 2 3070 gpu’s in it works correctly within in blender - But any job that is submitted to deadline is only using a single gpu .

Gpu’s are set correctly in the application preferences and i do not have any GPU affinity setup to limit within the worker settings of the node, i have also checked in the Nvidia control panel to ensure both GPU cards are set to be used with blender.exe also, as well as checking on GPU-Z to ensure which cards are being utilised.
Additionally I have updated gpu drivers, re-installed blender ( deleted appdata/roaming prefs and reset which gpu’s to use in the blender system prefs ) and googled the hell out of this to no avail.
The machine was also recently formatted -Win 11

Interestingly enough, a second node we have which is using x2 2080ti’s is working correctly with no issues, same version of blender, also recently formatted - Win 10

So i am not sure if this is a blender centric issue or if there are settings i can pass through as an argument upon submitting files to DL via a python script or some such, i have seen some floating around the net, such as but again it did not bare any fruit
Or if this is something that deadline is not playing well with

Deadline version :
Blender version : 3.0.1
Win 10 & 1 1


Are you using the script from this thread?

I found this works with 8x cards but have only tested with RTX cards

Is this a Deadline issue? if you load and render from Blender does it use all cards?

Hey there, i have not tried in that thread as of yet, using blender GUI does use both cards - i will attempt work through that other threads suggestion and feed back, thank you

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