Blender problems when render multiple versions

I have a problem when I send multiple renders to Deadline from Blender.

Like this, I have a cube that I beauty ‘send to deadline’ -render, then I hide the cube from the camera and ‘send to deadline’ -render for a clean shadow. This result now is that I get the beauty render two times. And no shadow render.

File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: X - Render: Beauty - Frame 1*
File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: X- Render: Shadow - Frame 2*
File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: Y- Render: Beauty - Frame 3*
File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: Y- Render: Shadow - Frame 4*
File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: Z- Render: Beauty - Frame 5*
File: Product_XYZ.blend - Product: Z- Render: Shadow - Frame 6*
and so on…

  • to get the ‘File output’ -node in ‘Composition’ to name the files differently after render is done.

Must I save the Blender file each time I send it to Deadline? And do I even need to save it to unique .blend files?

I am hoping this is not the case, then I will have a lot of versions of the scenes I am rendering. (I render a lot of products in different colors and such).

Yes you have to save the scene, because the file gets copied out - if it is not saved, you will submit the old version.
If you submit the scene with the job (checkbox in bottom center), you do not have to save unique files - the scene gets attached to the job.

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Great, so if I check that box (Submit Blender Scene file…) I do not have to save multiple files, but I still need to save before submitting?
Does this file get erased when the render is toen, or will this fill up the disk in time in some cache folder?

The file gets associated with the Job, so when you delete or archive the Job from the Monitor the scene file goes with it.

Those are stored in DeadlineRepository10\jobs, or you can get to them from the Job’s right click->Auxiliary files menu.

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