Bug: Debug Mode is 1 update behind

I’m trying to debug the noise magmaflow node. But it’s always one behind in the graph what the last change was. Purely cosmetic but kind of annoying.

So set an input value to (10.0) and it updates to (1.0). Change the value to 20.0 and the input value changes to (10.0).

Hi Gavin, thanks for pointing out the issue. We’ll take a look on our end.

Hi Gavin,

It seems to be working correctly in Max 2015. As you reported, the display on the node in the flow is a step behind in Max 2016 and 2017. I will try to figure out what they changed this time… :slight_smile:


Fixed for the KMX 2.6.0 release. Thanks again!

If you want to fix it yourself in your current version, open the file Krakatoa_MagmaFlow.ms, locate the function

fn updateDialog forceUpdate:true updateColumns:true = (
and at the end of it, right after the pushprompt() call, add the line ‘MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.createNodeTree init:false’ :

pushprompt ((st3-st0) as string +" ms Magma Debug - Compile:"+(st1-st0) as string + " ms | Init:"+(st2-st1) as string+" ms | Populate:"+(st3-st2) as string+" ms") MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.createNodeTree init:false --> NEW LINE! )

This will force a redraw of the node graph and ensure all latest values from the updated spreadsheet are displayed on the nodes.