It seems to be working correctly in Max 2015. As you reported, the display on the node in the flow is a step behind in Max 2016 and 2017. I will try to figure out what they changed this time…
If you want to fix it yourself in your current version, open the file, locate the function
fn updateDialog forceUpdate:true updateColumns:true =
and at the end of it, right after the pushprompt() call, add the line ‘MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.createNodeTree init:false’ :
pushprompt ((st3-st0) as string +" ms Magma Debug - Compile:"+(st1-st0) as string + " ms | Init:"+(st2-st1) as string+" ms | Populate:"+(st3-st2) as string+" ms")
MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout.createNodeTree init:false --> NEW LINE!
This will force a redraw of the node graph and ensure all latest values from the updated spreadsheet are displayed on the nodes.