Bug - Genome_1.1.0.49116_x64 Maxscript crash

– Unknown property: “LogDebug” in undefined
** thread data: threadID:1212
** ------------------------------------------------------
** [stack level: 0]
** In displaySelectedNodeProperties(); filename: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Genome MX\Scripts\Genome_MagmaFlow.ms; position: 415573; line: 9532
** member of: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout
– Locals:
– FranticParticles: undefined
– theType: undefined
– tempControllerIsInteger: undefined
– theID: undefined
– theNameState: undefined
– tempController: undefined
– st: 65123790
– Externals:
– MagmaFlowEditor_LOOP: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_LOOP
– EditableBlopStack: #()
– MagmaFlowEditor_OptionsRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_OptionsRollout
– MagmaFlowEditor_OutputRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_OutputRollout
– theIniFileLocation: “C:\Users\Assembly\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2011 - 64bit\enu\plugcfg\Genome”
– MagmaFlowEditor_EditableBLOP: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_EditableBLOP
– lastNodeClick: -1
– hc: RolloutControl:hc in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ThinkBoxSchematicControl:hc
– owner: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout
– magma: ReferenceTarget:GenomeMagmaHolder
– CurrentIntController: Controller:Bezier_Float
– MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout
– MagmaFlowEditor_FilePresetsRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_FilePresetsRollout
– NodePropsSR: RolloutControl:NodePropsSR in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : SubRollout:NodePropsSR
– CurrentFloatController: Controller:Bezier_Float
– MagmaFlowEditor_NodeNameRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_NodeNameRollout
– createDynamicPropertiesRollout: createDynamicPropertiesRollout()
– DynamicPropertiesRollout: undefined
– MagmaFlowEditor_CloseEditableBLOP: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_CloseEditableBLOP
– CurrentVectorController: Controller:Point3_XYZ
– MagmaFlowEditor_OperatorRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_OperatorRollout
– editorNodeCount: 0
– MagmaFlowEditor_isInitializing: false
– MagmaFlowEditor_InputValueRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_InputValueRollout
– MagmaFlowEditor_InputChannelRollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_InputChannelRollout
– Owner:
– Locals:
– currentMagmaNode: ReferenceTarget:GenomeMagmaHolder
– drawDepot: drawDepot()
– ConnectToEmpty_Index: -1
– updateErrorLog: updateErrorLog()
– deselectAllNodes: deselectAllNodes()
– getEventFromPFSource: getEventFromPFSource()
– disconnectAllInputs: disconnectAllInputs()
– setPassThrough: setPassThrough()
– keyboardDefinition: #(#(8, false, false, #Function, RemoveNode()), #(8, false, true, #Function, removeNodeFromFlow()), #(32, false, false, #Function, connectSelectedNodes()), #(45, false, false, #Function, toggleInsertMode()), #(45, false, true, #Function, toggleInsertMode()), #(48, false, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #integer, 0), #(48, true, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #float, 0.0), #(48, false, true, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #vector, [0,0,0]), #(49, false, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #integer, 1), #(49, true, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #float, 1.0), #(49, false, true, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #vector, [1,0,0]), #(50, false, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #integer, 2), #(50, true, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #float, 2.0), #(50, false, true, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #vector, [0,1,0]), #(51, false, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #integer, 3), #(51, true, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #float, 3.0), #(51, false, true, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #vector, [0,0,1]), #(52, false, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #integer, 4), #(52, true, false, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #float, 4.0), #(52, false, true, #inputvalue, “InputValue”, #vector, [0,1,1]), …)
– updateValues: updateValues()
– setSelectedNodes: setSelectedNodes()
– createUndoRecord: createUndoRecord()
– NodeIDMap: #()
– btn_RecorderToEnd: RolloutControl:btn_RecorderToEnd in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_RecorderToEnd
– getMouseInSchematicView: getMouseInSchematicView()
– resetPanFactor: resetPanFactor()
– ConnectToEmpty_fromID: -1
– btn_RecorderBackOneStep: RolloutControl:btn_RecorderBackOneStep in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_RecorderBackOneStep
– debugFlow: debugFlow()
– createNode: createNode()
– handleDepotDragAndDrop: handleDepotDragAndDrop()
– getSelectedDepotButton: getSelectedDepotButton()
– initSchematicView: initSchematicView()
– compareFN: compareFN()
– theMin: [999980,999980]
– DoNotShowWelcomeMessage: false
– updateErrorSwatch: updateErrorSwatch()
– updateErrorInfo: updateErrorInfo()
– invertSelection: invertSelection()
– connectCAControllers: connectCAControllers()
– restoreInputsOnTheLeftSettings: restoreInputsOnTheLeftSettings()
– getSelectedNodes: getSelectedNodes()
– lastNodeClick: -1
– btn_RecorderForwardOneStep: RolloutControl:btn_RecorderForwardOneStep in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_RecorderForwardOneStep
– updateModifierName: updateModifierName()
– getInputSocketName: getInputSocketName()
– explodeBLOP: explodeBLOP()
– connectBLOPsRecursively: connectBLOPsRecursively()
– updateNavigatorBackground: updateNavigatorBackground()
– alignAllNodesToGrid: alignAllNodesToGrid()
– exposeControlsToModifier: exposeControlsToModifier()
– lastMouseClick: [1638,1296]
– DepotNodes: #(#(“HEAD”, “Arithmetic”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Arithmetic”, false), #(“HEAD”, “BLOP”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: BLOP”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Convert”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Convert”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Function”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Function”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Input”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Input”, true), #(“Input”, “CurrentMesh”, (color 255 220 220), [0,0], “Input: CurrentMesh”, true, “Current&Mesh”), #(“Input”, “InputBoundBox”, (color 220 255 240), [0,0], “Input: InputBoundBox”, true, “InputBound&Box”), #(“Input”, “InputChannel”, (color 220 220 255), [0,0], “Input: InputChannel”, true, “Input&Channel”), #(“Input”, “InputGeometry”, (color 255 220 220), [0,0], “Input: InputGeometry”, true, “Input&Geometry”), #(“Input”, “InputObject”, (color 220 255 240), [0,0], “Input: InputObject”, true, “Input&Object”), #(“Input”, “InputParticles”, (color 255 255 200), [0,0], “Input: InputParticles”, true, “Input&Particles”), #(“Input”, “InputScript”, (color 255 200 240), [0,0], “Input: InputScript”, true, “Input&Script”), #(“Input”, “InputValue”, (color 200 240 255), [0,0], “Input: InputValue”, true, “Input&Value”), #(“Input”, “LoopChannel”, (color 220 220 255), [0,0], “Input: LoopChannel”, true, “&LoopChannel”), #(“HEAD”, “Logic”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Logic”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Loops”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Loops”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Object”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Object”, false), #(“HEAD”, “System”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: System”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Transform”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Transform”, false), #(“HEAD”, “Trigonometry”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Trigonometry”, false), …)
– DepotDefinition: #(#(#(“HEAD”, “Arithmetic”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Arithmetic”, false), #(“Arithmetic”, “Abs”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Abs”, true, “A&bs”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Add”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Add”, true, “A&dd”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Ceil”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Ceil”, true, “&Ceil”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Divide”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Divide”, true, “D&ivide”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Floor”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Floor”, true, “&Floor”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Log”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Log”, true, “&Log”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Modulo”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Modulo”, true, “&Modulo”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Multiply”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Multiply”, true, “M&ultiply”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Negate”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Negate”, true, “&Negate”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Power”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Power”, true, “&Power”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Sqrt”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Sqrt”, true, “&Sqrt”), #(“Arithmetic”, “Subtract”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Arithmetic: Subtract”, true, “Sub&tract”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “BLOP”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: BLOP”, false), #(“BLOP”, “BLOP”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: BLOP”, true, “BLO&P”), #(“SUBHEAD”, “Convert”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: C:\Users\Assembly\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Genome\BlackOps\Convert”, true, “&Convert”), #(“BLOP”, “DegToRad”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: DegToRad”, true, “DegTo&Rad”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Convert/DegToRad.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “RadToDeg”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: RadToDeg”, true, “RadTo&Deg”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Convert/RadToDeg.MagmaBLOP”), #(“SUBHEAD”, “Geometry”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: C:\Users\Assembly\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Genome\BlackOps\Geometry”, true, “&Geometry”), #(“BLOP”, “DegToRad”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: DegToRad”, true, “Deg&ToRad”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Geometry/DegToRad.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “FaceArea”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: FaceArea”, true, “Face&Area”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Geometry/FaceArea.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “RadToDeg”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: RadToDeg”, true, “RadT&oDeg”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Geometry/RadToDeg.MagmaBLOP”), #(“SUBHEAD”, “Logarithms”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: C:\Users\Assembly\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Genome\BlackOps\Logarithms”, true, “&Logarithms”), #(“BLOP”, “Log10”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: Log10”, true, “Log1&0”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Logarithms/Log10.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “LogBase”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: LogBase”, true, “LogBa&se”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Logarithms/LogBase.MagmaBLOP”), #(“SUBHEAD”, “Vectors”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: C:\Users\Assembly\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Genome\BlackOps\Vectors”, true, “&Vectors”), #(“BLOP”, “3ColorGradient”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: 3ColorGradient”, true, “&3ColorGradient”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Vectors/3ColorGradient.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “ClampVector”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: ClampVector”, true, “Cla&mpVector”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Vectors/ClampVector.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “MakeCircle”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: MakeCircle”, true, “Ma&keCircle”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Vectors/MakeCircle.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “ReflectVector”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: ReflectVector”, true, “R&eflectVector”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Vectors/ReflectVector.MagmaBLOP”), #(“BLOP”, “XFormVbyNxT”, (color 220 200 255), [0,0], “BLOP: XFormVbyNxT”, true, “XFormVby&NxT”, “C:/Users/Assembly/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Genome/BlackOps/Vectors/XFormVbyNxT.MagmaBLOP”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Convert”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Convert”, false), #(“Convert”, “AngleAxisToQuat”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: AngleAxisToQuat”, true, “&AngleAxisToQuat”), #(“Convert”, “Breakout”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: Breakout”, true, “&Breakout”), #(“Convert”, “EulerAnglesToQuat”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: EulerAnglesToQuat”, true, “&EulerAnglesToQuat”), #(“Convert”, “QuatToVectors”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: QuatToVectors”, true, “&QuatToVectors”), #(“Convert”, “ToFloat”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: ToFloat”, true, “To&Float”), #(“Convert”, “ToInt”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: ToInt”, true, “To&Int”), #(“Convert”, “ToVector”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: ToVector”, true, “To&Vector”), #(“Convert”, “VectorsToQuat”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Convert: VectorsToQuat”, true, “Vectors&ToQuat”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Function”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Function”, false), #(“Function”, “Blend”, (color 255 235 225), [0,0], “Function: Blend”, true, “&Blend”), #(“Function”, “Clamp”, (color 255 235 225), [0,0], “Function: Clamp”, true, “&Clamp”), #(“Function”, “Curve”, (color 255 235 225), [0,0], “Function: Curve”, true, “C&urve”), #(“Function”, “Noise”, (color 255 235 225), [0,0], “Function: Noise”, true, “&Noise”), #(“Function”, “VecNoise”, (color 255 235 225), [0,0], “Function: VecNoise”, true, “&VecNoise”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Input”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Input”, true), #(“Input”, “CurrentMesh”, (color 255 220 220), [0,0], “Input: CurrentMesh”, true, “Current&Mesh”), #(“Input”, “InputBoundBox”, (color 220 255 240), [0,0], “Input: InputBoundBox”, true, “InputBound&Box”), #(“Input”, “InputChannel”, (color 220 220 255), [0,0], “Input: InputChannel”, true, “Input&Channel”), #(“Input”, “InputGeometry”, (color 255 220 220), [0,0], “Input: InputGeometry”, true, “Input&Geometry”), #(“Input”, “InputObject”, (color 220 255 240), [0,0], “Input: InputObject”, true, “Input&Object”), #(“Input”, “InputParticles”, (color 255 255 200), [0,0], “Input: InputParticles”, true, “Input&Particles”), #(“Input”, “InputScript”, (color 255 200 240), [0,0], “Input: InputScript”, true, “Input&Script”), #(“Input”, “InputValue”, (color 200 240 255), [0,0], “Input: InputValue”, true, “Input&Value”), #(“Input”, “LoopChannel”, (color 220 220 255), [0,0], “Input: LoopChannel”, true, “&LoopChannel”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Logic”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Logic”, false), #(“Logic”, “Equal”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: Equal”, true, “&Equal”), #(“Logic”, “Greater”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: Greater”, true, “&Greater”), #(“Logic”, “GreaterOrEqual”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: GreaterOrEqual”, true, “Greater&OrEqual”), #(“Logic”, “Less”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: Less”, true, “Le&ss”), #(“Logic”, “LessOrEqual”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: LessOrEqual”, true, “LessO&rEqual”), #(“Logic”, “LogicalAnd”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: LogicalAnd”, true, “Logical&And”), #(“Logic”, “LogicalNot”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: LogicalNot”, true, “Logical&Not”), #(“Logic”, “LogicalOr”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: LogicalOr”, true, “Log&icalOr”), #(“Logic”, “LogicalXor”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: LogicalXor”, true, “Logical&Xor”), #(“Logic”, “Mux”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: Mux”, true, “&Mux”), #(“Logic”, “NotEqual”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: NotEqual”, true, “No&tEqual”), #(“Logic”, “Switch”, (color 255 240 200), [0,0], “Logic: Switch”, true, “S&witch”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Loops”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Loops”, false), #(“Loops”, “FaceLoopByEdge”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: FaceLoopByEdge”, true, “FaceLoopBy&Edge”), #(“Loops”, “FaceLoopByVertex”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: FaceLoopByVertex”, true, “FaceLoopBy&Vertex”), #(“Loops”, “Loop”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: Loop”, true, “&Loop”), #(“Loops”, “ParticleSearch”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: ParticleSearch”, true, “Particle&Search”), #(“Loops”, “VertexLoopByEdge”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: VertexLoopByEdge”, true, “VertexLoop&ByEdge”), #(“Loops”, “VertexLoopByFace”, (color 230 255 210), [0,0], “Loops: VertexLoopByFace”, true, “VertexLoopBy&Face”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Object”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Object”, false), #(“Object”, “ElementQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: ElementQuery”, true, “Element&Query”), #(“Object”, “FaceQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: FaceQuery”, true, “&FaceQuery”), #(“Object”, “InVolume”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: InVolume”, true, “In&Volume”), #(“Object”, “IntersectRay”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: IntersectRay”, true, “Intersect&Ray”), #(“Object”, “MeshQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: MeshQuery”, true, “&MeshQuery”), #(“Object”, “NearestParticle”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: NearestParticle”, true, “Nearest&Particle”), #(“Object”, “NearestPoint”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: NearestPoint”, true, “&NearestPoint”), #(“Object”, “ParticleQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: ParticleQuery”, true, “P&articleQuery”), #(“Object”, “ParticleSumCount”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: ParticleSumCount”, true, “ParticleSum&Count”), #(“Object”, “ParticleSumRadius”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: ParticleSumRadius”, true, “Particle&SumRadius”), #(“Object”, “PropertyQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: PropertyQuery”, true, “Prop&ertyQuery”), #(“Object”, “TexmapEval”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: TexmapEval”, true, “&TexmapEval”), #(“Object”, “VertexQuery”, (color 255 200 200), [0,0], “Object: VertexQuery”, true, “Verte&xQuery”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “System”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: System”, false), #(“System”, “Elbow”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “System: Elbow”, true, “&Elbow”), #(“System”, “Output”, (color 200 255 200), [0,0], “System: Output”, true, “&Output”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Transform”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Transform”, false), #(“Transform”, “FromSpace”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Transform: FromSpace”, true, “From&Space”), #(“Transform”, “FromWorld”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Transform: FromWorld”, true, “From&World”), #(“Transform”, “ToSpace”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Transform: ToSpace”, true, “T&oSpace”), #(“Transform”, “ToWorld”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Transform: ToWorld”, true, “ToWo&rld”), #(“Transform”, “TransformByQuat”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Transform: TransformByQuat”, true, “TransformBy&Quat”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Trigonometry”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Trigonometry”, false), #(“Trigonometry”, “ACos”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: ACos”, true, “A&Cos”), #(“Trigonometry”, “ASin”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: ASin”, true, “A&Sin”), #(“Trigonometry”, “ATan”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: ATan”, true, “A&Tan”), #(“Trigonometry”, “ATan2”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: ATan2”, true, “ATan&2”), #(“Trigonometry”, “Cos”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: Cos”, true, “C&os”), #(“Trigonometry”, “Sin”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: Sin”, true, “S&in”), #(“Trigonometry”, “Tan”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Trigonometry: Tan”, true, “T&an”)), #(#(“HEAD”, “Vector”, (color 80 80 128), [0,0], “Category: Vector”, false), #(“Vector”, “ComponentSum”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: ComponentSum”, true, “Component&Sum”), #(“Vector”, “Magnitude”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: Magnitude”, true, “&Magnitude”), #(“Vector”, “MatrixMulVec”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: MatrixMulVec”, true, “M&atrixMulVec”), #(“Vector”, “Normalize”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: Normalize”, true, “&Normalize”), #(“Vector”, “VectorCross”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: VectorCross”, true, “Vector&Cross”), #(“Vector”, “VectorDot”, (color 255 225 200), [0,0], “Vector: VectorDot”, true, “Vector&Dot”)))
– hc: RolloutControl:hc in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ThinkBoxSchematicControl:hc
– prg_bar: RolloutControl:prg_bar in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ProgressBar:prg_bar
– btn_RecorderToStart: RolloutControl:btn_RecorderToStart in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_RecorderToStart
– sortNodesByXPosition: sortNodesByXPosition()
– connectNodes: connectNodes()
– RCMenuNames: #(#Arithmetic, #BLOP, #Convert, #Function, #input, #Logic, #Loops, #object, #System, #transform, #Trigonometry, #vector, #allNodes)
– updateDepotDefinition: updateDepotDefinition()
– createUndoRCMenu: createUndoRCMenu()
– reorder_dot: reorder_dot()
– navigatorBitmapBlank: BitMap:
– navigatorBitmapBackground: BitMap:
– navigatorBitmapForeground: BitMap:
– theGamma: 2.2
– swapInputsOrder: swapInputsOrder()
– undoLastStep: undoLastStep()
– collapseBranches: collapseBranches()
– getNewOutputChannel: getNewOutputChannel()
– DepotCategories: #(“Arithmetic”, “BLOP”, “Convert”, “Function”, “Input”, “Logic”, “Loops”, “Object”, “System”, “Transform”, “Trigonometry”, “Vector”)
– leftDepotMargin: 0
– ConnectToEmpty_SocketType: #none
– btn_undo: RolloutControl:btn_undo in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_undo
– getOutputSocketName: getOutputSocketName()
– stampChildBranchConnected: stampChildBranchConnected()
– createRedoRCMenu: createRedoRCMenu()
– oldCollapseList: #()
– newCollapseList: #()
– showGrid: showGrid()
– resetZoomFactor: resetZoomFactor()
– removeNodeFromFlow: removeNodeFromFlow()
– pasteSelectionFromClipboard: pasteSelectionFromClipboard()
– getInputSocketColor: getInputSocketColor()
– UpdateConnectivityInfo: UpdateConnectivityInfo()
– connectSelectedNodes: connectSelectedNodes()
– theCADef: undefined
– displayOptions: displayOptions()
– updateMagmaHolder: updateMagmaHolder()
– closeAllCurveEditors: closeAllCurveEditors()
– lastSelection: #()
– btn_redo: RolloutControl:btn_redo in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_redo
– createBLOPInline: createBLOPInline()
– exposeBLOPsRecursively: exposeBLOPsRecursively()
– initNavigator: initNavigator()
– lastNodeOverID: -1
– saveFlowToDisk: saveFlowToDisk()
– updateEditorTitle: updateEditorTitle()
– DisableDragAndDrop: false
– lastWireSelection: #()
– saveSettings: saveSettings()
– selectAllNodes: selectAllNodes()
– getDepotSelection: getDepotSelection()
– updateNodeSelection: updateNodeSelection()
– theCADef2: undefined
– theCADef3: undefined
– theCADCnt: undefined
– theCALevel: undefined
– theColorPickersToUpdate: undefined
– theCADParentNode: undefined
– exposeSubLevel: exposeSubLevel()
– exposeSelectedInputs: exposeSelectedInputs()
– deleteSelectedNodes: deleteSelectedNodes()
– copySelectionToClipboard: copySelectionToClipboard()
– displaySelectedNodeProperties: displaySelectedNodeProperties()
– restorePanAndZoom: restorePanAndZoom()
– UpdateNavigator: UpdateNavigator()
– toggleInsertMode: toggleInsertMode()
– prg_swatch: RolloutControl:prg_swatch in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ProgressBar:prg_swatch
– getAllErrorNodes: getAllErrorNodes()
– getOutputSocketColor: getOutputSocketColor()
– stampChild: stampChild()
– theBBoxCenter: [89.9694,49.988]
– zoomExtents: zoomExtents()
– closeEditorDialog: closeEditorDialog()
– toggleInputsOnTheLeft: toggleInputsOnTheLeft()
– MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout: Rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout
– createNodeTree: createNodeTree()
– showRCMenu: showRCMenu()
– chk_autoUpdateModifier: RolloutControl:chk_autoUpdateModifier in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : CheckButtonControl:chk_autoUpdateModifier
– createDepot: createDepot()
– createNodeBLOP: createNodeBLOP()
– insertConvertToFloat: insertConvertToFloat()
– insertNodeIntoFlow: insertNodeIntoFlow()
– stampChildBranchUncollapsed: stampChildBranchUncollapsed()
– bBoxSize: [-1.99984e+006,-1.99984e+006]
– ZoomExtentsSelected: ZoomExtentsSelected()
– RemoveNode: RemoveNode()
– redoLastStep: redoLastStep()
– lastInfoMessage: “Select No Nodes”
– bmp_navigator: RolloutControl:bmp_navigator in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : BitmapControl:bmp_navigator
– btn_updateModifier: RolloutControl:btn_updateModifier in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_updateModifier
– loadSettings: loadSettings()
– checkCurrentLevel: checkCurrentLevel()
– navigateToErrorLevel: navigateToErrorLevel()
– insertFaceQuery: insertFaceQuery()
– stampChildBranchCollapsed: stampChildBranchCollapsed()
– middleButtonDown: false
– theLastText: “”
– storePanAndZoom: storePanAndZoom()
– addNewOutputChannel: addNewOutputChannel()
– NodePropsSR: RolloutControl:NodePropsSR in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : SubRollout:NodePropsSR
– prg_errorswatch: RolloutControl:prg_errorswatch in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ProgressBar:prg_errorswatch
– openCurveEditor: openCurveEditor()
– AcceptReorderedFlow: AcceptReorderedFlow()
– stampNodesByType: stampNodesByType()
– leftMouseDown: false
– dotnetSystemInfo: dotNetClass:System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation
– insertNodeIntoExistingFlow: insertNodeIntoExistingFlow()
– selectUnconnectedNodes: selectUnconnectedNodes()
– undoToRecord: undoToRecord()
– selectExposedInputs: selectExposedInputs()
– DynamicPropertiesRollout: undefined
– createDynamicPropertiesRollout: createDynamicPropertiesRollout()
– previousNodeOver: -1
– disconnectAllOutputs: disconnectAllOutputs()
– autoReorderFlow: autoReorderFlow()
– lastSelectionBeforeClick: #()
– btn_RecorderClose: RolloutControl:btn_RecorderClose in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : ButtonControl:btn_RecorderClose
– RCMenus: #(RCMenu:Arithmetic_menu, RCMenu:BLOP_menu, RCMenu:Convert_menu, RCMenu:Function_menu, RCMenu:Input_menu, RCMenu:Logic_menu, RCMenu:Loops_menu, RCMenu:Object_menu, RCMenu:System_menu, RCMenu:Transform_menu, RCMenu:Trigonometry_menu, RCMenu:Vector_menu, RCMenu:allNodes_menu)
– toggleSnapToGrid: toggleSnapToGrid()
– moveNavigatorWindow: moveNavigatorWindow()
– leftButtonDown: false
– updateInsertMode: updateInsertMode()
– edt_log: RolloutControl:edt_log in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : EditTextControl:edt_log
– chk_RecorderPlay: RolloutControl:chk_RecorderPlay in rollout:MagmaFlowEditor_Rollout : CheckButtonControl:chk_RecorderPlay
– updateWireColorsOnly: updateWireColorsOnly()
– prepareDepotForDragAndDrop: prepareDepotForDragAndDrop()
– setUndoRedoEnable: setUndoRedoEnable()
– getObjectInputNode: getObjectInputNode()
– ReorderToggle: ReorderToggle()
– Externals:
** ------------------------------------------------------


Clicking on anything at all causes this.

Oops, just realised I posted this in the wrong forum - feel free to move.

Thanks for the report!

This is caused by a line that assumed incorrectly that Krakatoa would be installed on the machine where Genome is running (which is of course a wrong assumption).
So you can either a) install Krakatoa MX 2, or b) remark the offending line "FranticParticles.LogDebug “MagamFlow: displaySelectedNodeProperties() Called.” by adding – in front of it or c) wait for a week for me to return from Japan and fix it :wink:

I suggest b), but a) would not hurt either.
I checked and this bug is only on that line, all other FranticParticles.LogDebug() lines are remarked already.