Bug: Running DL5 and DL6 together on clients


I file this as bug though I know it is not really one :slight_smile:
For the final release I propose to change the default service names and listening ports (this preventing both DL5 and DL6 launchers from running together) to other values then DL5 is using by default. I know one can easily do this after the installation, but this way it would be more clean. On Windows, using white spaces in the service name is not best practice as well.

This would in theory enable users and sysadmins to do a “soft” rollout; meaning installing DL5 and DL6 together on clients to have an emergency working system in case something has been overlooked in the testing (in my experience there will be most certainly some nasty things).

I have already tested this successfully under my lab conditions here and so I am eager to know if there are some reasons this is not recommend at all? The rest of the ini structure is nicely separated though.


We’ve never designed Deadline in the past to allow multiple versions to run at the same time, but we can definitely consider this. These are the areas of the top of my head that could be affected:

  1. Launcher service name - easy to change for each major version
  2. Launcher, Pulse, and Auto config ports - also easy to change for each major version
  3. DEADLINE_PATH environment variable (which will be introduced in beta 7) would need version number. The side effect to this is that all of our integrated submitters would need to be updated for each major release, meaning that clients will have to reinstall these scripts. Not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.


  • Ryan

Yeah the services are the tip of the iceberg. I had v5 and v6 installed on my machine when the service names didn’t conflict and it resulted in neither working.

That being said I would like them to be able to run in parallel.

Hi Gavin,

as I said I am running both with no problems. I assume you are running the clients on Windows? There the procedure would involve:

  • Unregister DL5 Service
  • Install DL6 service
  • Rename DL6 Service with regedit
  • Reboot
  • Register DL5 Service again

If you want to skip the above steps feel free to use my .reg file here; just dubble click it and allow to add the registry values. Just unregister the DL6 service first. Importent: DL has to be installed at the default loaction, otherwise just edit the .reg file to your needs. Dont forget to change the default listening ports to something other then the defaut. My config worked with:

LauncherListeningPort=5044 AutoConfigurationPort=5045


You will end up with a service running under the local system account with manual start up. Use services.msc to change that to your needs. Please be advised to use the .reg file at your own risk.
