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Bugs Deadline 7 with Maya 2015 on OSX

Ran into a new bug.

When Submitting from Maya 2015, some machines get the following error:

0: STDOUT: Error: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 49: Camera RenderCam does not exist.

We found that some of this was isolated to Maya 2015 service pack 2 and 3. The most common error in that case was Maya exited with status 2.

When we switched all of the Machines to Maya 2015 Extension 1. Most of the errors went away.

However, one error remains. If you submit a render to deadline from a Mac to a PC. And DO NOT CLICK “Use Mayabatch plugin” The similar error occurs on PCs: “C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2015/scripts/others/makeCameraRenderable.mel line 49: Camera RenderCam does not exist.” The error is only Mac to PC. Over Linux works fine.

So, just leave the “Use Mayabatch plugin” clicked and it works perfect, pc to mac, to linux

There seem to be no problems If I open the file on a PC, and then re-save, and submit, the file works fine, and will render over mayabatch with both PC and Mac.

There is problem during rendering over deadline 7, where Maya 2015 Ext 1 over Mac OSX Opens several instances of Maya that show up in the Activity monitor as (Not Responding). Mostly everything still works, but If there is a render going on the machine, and Maya is closed, when trying to open Maya, it says it can’t (because several other instances of crashed Mayas are open). If I force quit all the crashed Maya’s I can then open the Maya UI, but of course then I’m also killing the render that’s going on my machine.

The crappy part is, even when the render finishes and there is no activity, Maya is still crashed.


Can you submit another job with the “Use MayaBatch Plugin” option disabled, and then post the error log from the job? Deadline is just calling the Maya command line renderer and passing it the render arguments, so we can check to see if the arguments look correct or not, and then get you to test the same command line render outside of Deadline to see if the problem in a general Maya issue or not.

For the Maya Crash issue, is that only when “Use Mayabach Plugin” is enabled? Or does it happen when it’s disabled too?


Sorry for the delay in my response. Not sure if the reply got forwarded to my email.

“Can you submit another job with the “Use MayaBatch Plugin” option disabled, and then post the error log from the job?”
---- I will soon. We are pretty slammed right now, so it’s hard to do some tests. -GH

"For the Maya Crash issue, is that only when “Use Mayabach Plugin” is enabled? Or does it happen when it’s disabled too?
---- Yes. It happens in both cases. I’m not sure if it’s a deadline issue or Maya 2015. It could have something to do with OSX Mavericks? I have a crashing problem with Photoshop too. So maybe it is OS related not sure.

The fact that it happens with “Use MayaBatch” leads me to believe it’s a Maya problem. With that option disabled, we’re just launching a typical command line render using Maya’s Render executable. Deadline then waits for Render to exit. It’s more or less out of Deadline’s control if Render is exiting properly, but not Maya,

Once you’re able to post the log from a job with “Use MayaBatch” disabled, we’ll get you to run the same render from a Terminal outside of Deadline to confirm whether or not this issue is Deadline-specific or not.


Actually. It seems to crash regardless of if that checkbox is checked.

I think it is a maya problem though, not a deadline one.

However, the more I test, can’t seem to get Deadline Slaves to work on OSX period with Deadline 7. Every job seems to hang at 0% giving the error:

“2014-11-06 09:53:50: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)”

This happens regardless of whether references are used or not used in the Maya scene.

I have to still test whether the check box use Mayabatch has an impact.

PC and Linux seem to work fine.

That error message shouldn’t have an impact on the actual rendering. It’s more of a warning message.

If you can get us the slave log when the render gets stuck like this, we’ll be able to help determine if it’s maya specific or not.


So, we’ve tried now with both use Mayabatch button checked on and off. It has no impact. Either way Deadline Slaves will not work on OSX with Maya 2015 Ext 1 period with Deadline 7 when submitted from a PC. This did work with Deadline 6.2.

Gets hung up at 0% We get no other error besides:

2014-11-06 09:53:50: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)

The only other thing not tested is seeing if it has to do with the Maya submission script. We could try submitting the job from Deadline Monitor instead.

Here’s a longer readout (stuck at 0%):

2014-11-06 14:12:24: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:24: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:24: 0: STDOUT: Starting “/Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/”
2014-11-06 14:12:24: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:24: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:25: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:25: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:25: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:25: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:27: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:27: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:28: 0: STDOUT: MASH_BaseNode::initialize()
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Version : Feature Level 3.1.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Adapter : AMD Radeon HD Tahiti XT Prototype OpenGL Engine
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Vendor ID: 4098. Device ID : 0x6798
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Driver : 2.1 ATI-1.24.35.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: API : OpenGL V.2.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Max tex coords : 8
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Shader versions supported (Vertex: 3, Geometry: 3, Pixel 3).
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Shader compiler profile : (Best card profile)
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: Active stereo support available : 1
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: GPU Memory Limit : 3072 MB.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: CPU Memory Limit: 46694.4 MB.
2014-11-06 14:12:29: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:29: 0: STDOUT: }
2014-11-06 14:12:33: 0: STDOUT: 1 error generated.
2014-11-06 14:12:33: 0: STDOUT: Error while processing /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/plug-ins/bifrost/db/presets/rootincludeall.h.
2014-11-06 14:12:34: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:34: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:35: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2014-11-06 14:12:35: 0: STDOUT: Error: UI commands can’t be run in batch mode.
2014-11-06 14:12:35: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2014-11-06 14:12:35: 0: STDOUT: Warning: The SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is in your PATH, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository.
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: Running submission script “//Volumes/DeadlineRepository/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: Error: UI commands can’t be run in batch mode.
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: ----------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: Time: 2014/11/6 14:12:36
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: ----------------------------------------------------------
2014-11-06 14:12:36: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya 2015
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // Mental ray for Maya: using startup file /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015//maya.rayrc.
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya: setup
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya: initialize
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray: version, Jul 30 2014, revision 224509
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya: register extensions
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // mental ray Node Factory: loaded
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya: successfully registered
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: mental ray for Maya: loading startup file: /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015//maya.rayrc
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/abcimport.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/abcimport.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/AdskShaderSDKWrappers.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/architectural.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/architectural.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/base.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/base.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/basehair.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/basehair.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/bifrostMR.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/bifrostMR.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/bifrostphenMR.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/builtin_bsdf.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/builtin_object_light.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/contour.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/contour.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/layering.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/layering.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/layering_phen.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/mrptex.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/mrptex.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/paint.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/paint.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/physics.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/physics.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/production.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/production.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/subsurface.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/subsurface.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/surfaceSampler.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/surfaceSampler.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/userdata.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/userdata.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/useribl.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/useribl.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // parsing /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/include/xgenMR.mi
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // loading /Applications/Autodesk/mentalrayForMaya2015/shaders/xgenMR.dylib
2014-11-06 14:12:37: 0: STDOUT: // generating Maya nodes…
2014-11-06 14:12:39: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:39: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:39: Could not query process information because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:39: 0: Could not collect cpu and memory information for the renderer process because: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (System.NullReferenceException)
2014-11-06 14:12:40: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:40: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:40: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:40: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:41: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email with the error message.
2014-11-06 14:12:41: 0: STDOUT: Error: line 1: ‘:mentalrayGlobals.textures[0]’ already has an incoming connection from ‘:WhiteBloodCell_A_final_mentalrayTexture1.message’ in a referenced file.
2014-11-06 14:12:41: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:41: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:42: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:42: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:42: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:42: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:43: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:43: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1
2014-11-06 14:12:43: 0: STDOUT: Result: externalContentTable
2014-11-06 14:12:43: 0: STDOUT: Result: 1

Actually, could you just upload the log file itself as an attachment? That way we can see the full log.


Ok. Will get that for you

Here you go. Have the log from the beginning and the middle
MacOSX_Deadline7_Maya2015_LogMiddle.rtf (25 KB)
MacOSX_Deadline7_Maya2015_LogBeginning.rtf (25 KB)

Thanks! So this is the command line that Deadline is running when it does the render:

/Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/ -r mr -v 5  -art -aml -x 960 -y 540 -rl Matte  -s 580 -e 604 -b 1 -rd "/Volumes/hectic_projects/IV/Equus/Renders/Maya_Renders" -im "<Version>/Sc05b/<Camera>/<RenderLayer>/<RenderLayer>_<RenderPass>" -cam "Sc05b_secondCam" -proj "/Volumes/hectic_projects/IV/Equus"  "/Volumes/hectic_projects/IV/Equus/Scenes/Maya/Animation_newScript/Sc05/Equus_Sc05_B_v010render.mb"

So what we need you to do is to open a Terminal on a Mac that has this problem, and run the exact same command above. If this command works fine, then we know it’s a Deadline specific issue.

That being said, you should try upgrading to Deadline 7 Release Candidate 1, which was just released today. We fixed that NullReferenceException that keeps popping up in the logs, so if that IS the source of these issues you’re seeing, this new version should fix that.


Hmm… I thought for sure the terminal command would work, but it just hangs, and never starts Mayabatch. I’ve attached the log. Also Maya comes up as (Not Responding).

So, I guess this means its a maya problem? Can you tell from the error log what to try. The only errors I get are the following:

1 error generated.
Error while processing /Applications/Autodesk/maya2015/plug-ins/bifrost/db/presets/rootincludeall.h.
Error: UI commands can’t be run in batch mode.
Warning: The SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel script could not be found in the Deadline Repository. Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is in your PATH, and that the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository.
Running submission script “//Volumes/DeadlineRepository/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”
Error: UI commands can’t be run in batch mode.
MayaLog.txt (253 KB)

Thinking about this again, we had deadline 6.2 working with Maya 2015 Ext1 on Mac OSX. So probably can’t be a maya problem, right? Given that 6.2 worked, and 7 doesn’t?

Been thinking about this some more, and may have had Maya 2015 SP2 (or SP3?) and Deadline 6.2 when it worked. So I think I will try to uninstall Ext1 and reinstall SP2.

I’ve been reading around, and a ton of people have problems batch rendering with Maya 2015 and OSX Mavericks. Most likely Autodesk, just never fully tested on OSX Mavericks, Since Maya 2015 Works fine on PC, at least with EX1. We were actually running into a lot of erros with PC, until changing to Ext1. So once, those errors went away we installed Ext1 everywhere, but maybe have to have Ext 1 for PC and Linux, but SP2 for Mac?

Will let you know.

Hopefully downgrading Maya on your Mac will help. It definitely sounds like a Maya issue, since it happens outside of Deadline too.


I tried downgrading to SP3, no mas.

Now I’m trying to remember, maybe it was Maya 2013 that was working with Deadline 6.2? Maybe I never had Maya 2015 batch rendering period? Seems hard to not remember such a thing, it’s been very busy though.

I’ve been reading online, and it seems that several people are noticing the problem of Maya 2015 not batch rendering on OSX Mavericks. A pretty huge bug, especially given 5 versions of Maya 2015 have been released without this being fixed?

Have you contacted Autodesk’s support team about this? Maybe they can at least give you confirmation if it’s a bug in Maya or not, and try to help you find a workaround. I wish we could be more helpful here, but we’re not familiar with this specific problem ourselves.


I am happy to say, that It’s all up and running! Autodesk just real eased Service Pack 5 for Maya 2015. That seems to solve the rendering problem over OSX Mavericks. They just real eased it 10/15.

So overall, nothing major to report on Deadline 7. Seems like we’ll be set to use it. I will put a couple more bugs I ran into (small ones) in another thread.

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