AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

BZip2 input stream end of compressed stream


I am using Deadline and none of my job completes but it does render and give error
Error: Could not decompress report log D:\DeadlineRepository10\reports\jobs\6a\e\5b813ad602b8750dade2b6ae\5b813e8d2d62900a05185ea4.bz2: BZip2 input stream end of compressed stream

This error is only when i render using Aws instances.
I have mounted the Windows share as Deadline repository10 on my own custom AMIs.
Need your thoughts on this… to resolve.

Please do upgrade. Download here docs here. Lots has changed since SP1 and I would suggest a full-install of AWS Portal along with the IAM rules so that you’re in a good place.

The background of that error though: The job and Slave reports as they are stored in the Repository are compressed BZip2 text files. When selecting a log, the Monitor will try to decompress the file straight from the Repo. In this case, I think there was a bug with the RCS which did not copy over all of the file contents (they’re likely zero length files).

2 posts were split to a new topic: AWS Portal Link Offline

Okay! Original issue should be good. Split the new issue off.

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