C:Program FilesKrakatoaTempLog.log

Hate to be annoying, but the location of this file doesn’t make IT happy. Seems like it should go in Application Data or the Krakatoa folder (though we wonder if that should not also be in Program Files not Program Files (x86) but that’s really nitpicking).

  • Chad

Hate to be annoying, but the

location of this file doesn’t

make IT happy. Seems like it

should go in Application Data

or the Krakatoa folder (though

we wonder if that should not

also be in Program Files not

Program Files (x86) but that’s

really nitpicking).

Application Data should be where it goes.

This is really bad and has been around since March 2007 (my file is 50MB already). Sorry for that, it has been logged and should be fixed soon.

I think the reason Krakatoa is installed under (x86) is that it is mostly 32bit with one exception (Max 9 64). We don’t want to install in two places like Max does.