AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

C4D R16 + Vray issue

Hello all,
I keep having issues with my slaves starting a task and then towards the end of the task, or even getting as far as finishing the task and creating the output file, throwing the task out as it’s been “Modified”. So these frames are getting rendered multiple times because for some reason deadline thinks that they need to run again. The scene I’m running is 536 frames long and fairly massive, 900mb for the c4d file, and 500mb worth of texture assets, the clients don’t seem to have a problem reading them and there are no errors showing up that I can tell that this would be an issue…

It’s getting a little aggravating as the frames take 5 minutes tops to render but it’s taking 5x longer to render because of this task modification hiccup.

Attached is a log file from one of the slaves showing what’s going on, anyone able to decipher what the issue is?
SlaveLog_TaskModified.txt (38.6 KB)

Thanks for reporting this! This is a general Deadline bug that was a result of the changes we made to how the slave saves its state to the database, and results in tasks that have been rendering for more than 5 minutes to be potentially requeued. We have already fixed this internally, and will have this fixed in beta 7. In the meantime, you can install beta 5 for now.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


Thanks for the response! I was pulling my hair with this issue over the weekend, glad it was caught and fixed. Will downgrade to Beta 5 for now and test again.

Just a heads up that beta 7 was released yesterday, and should fix this task requeuing bug.


Saw that, thanks! Upgrading now.

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