C4D Redshift | GPU Affiinity Not Working correctly Only Rndrs on One GPU

Hi there,

I have a 4 GPU machine all cards identical. Running

C4D R19 | Redshift 2.6.37 | Deadline Deadline Client Version: | Windows10

I can’t seem to get GPU Affinity running for redshift in C4D. I’ve used the integrated submit and submitted from deadline with no avail. Deadline only reads the first GPU0 even if I all GPUs selected property. in the slave config.
When I Submit to Deadline in C4D:
GPU Affinity = 1
Concurrent Tasks = 4
Select GPU Devices = blank

Within Slave Preferences
GPU Affinity: Enable Override GPU Affinity and select GPU 0 - GPU3 / specify number of GPUs = 4

IDK if my submission is right but regardless only one GPU renders everything when I try to use GPU Affinity. any help to figure this out would be greatly appreciated.

What happens if you uncheck “Overide GPU affinity” on the slave?
Try to set concurrent tasks on the slave to 0 as well.


nothing still same issue, I can only get one GPU to render GPU0, or render without GPU affinity and use all 4GPUs at once.

Same problem for me, with redshift + houdini

And if you submit with GPU affinity in the submitter set 2 and no override on the slave. What happens then?
We set concurrent tasks to 2 and set GPUs pr task to two. Most machines in our studio have 4 GPUs. On those slaves we dont override Concurrent Task Limit Override. On machines with 2 or 3 GPUs we set Concurrent Task Limit Override to 1. We dont override GPU affinity on any of the slaves. So when we submit jobs in c4d it looks like this:

I know its not exactly what you are asking but it has proven to be a robust solution where slaves with 4 GPUs render two tasks concurrently using two gpus each, and slaves with 2 or 3 gpus render 1 task using 2 gpus. We do the same in Houdini.


Hi thanks ,

Theses settings def. work on my system. I have 2GPUs for each task. So is there a way to get a each GPU running a task or is that unstable buggy right now, that was my main goal but this great also.


If you submit with 1 gpu pr task and 4 concurrent tasks, you should get 4 tasks rendering on each slave at the same time and only using 1 gpu each.


Hey Bonsak,

thanks for the help def. appreciate it, its working as expected now, looks like enabling the GPU affinity override on the slave controls was messing things up for me
