C4D + Redshift - materials breaking at random

I have an issue in my local farm as follows:

  • When rendering a scene over deadline (C4D + Redshift) we are experiencing materials breaking on some nodes but not on others.

  • To be clear, not all the materials break, only one or two materials seem to break at a time (they render as white as if no material was assigned)

  • On top of that, sometimes the materials break and sometimes they don’t!

  • if i resubmit the job sometimes it renders without issues

  • The material that breaks can either be PBR with textures or something simple like glass

  • using C4D batch plugin

  • multiple workers on each machine to make use of each GPU for seperate tasks

  • locally rendered scene is fine on all machines

We double and triple check that all texture paths are globalised and on the NAS
We double and triple check that all simulations are baked

I have attached a deadline log for frame 150 (rendered fine) and frame 149 (rendered with a broken texture)

I’m no expert but it looks like the one GPU seems to be going out of core?
is this a redshift issue or something on the deadline side?

Deadline Logs.zip (7.9 KB)