AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

C4D Submit to Deadline Script Issue

Beta 7 was working flawlessly with C4D R16 with VRay all week, rendered across 25 machines with 2500+ frames with no issues. Today I went to start a new job and I’m getting this error in the machine list selector “Error: ImportError : DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. (FranticX.Scripting.PythonNetException)”

Any ideas what this would be?


Hmm, I can’t seem to reproduce this here. Is this happening on more than one machine? If it’s just one, can you try rebooting it to see if that helps?

Also, are you on Windows or OSX?


Happening on all the machines I have the submitter script installed on. All of which are Windows 8 machines.
Like I said, it was working perfectly up until today and as far as I’m aware nothing has changed in my environment to make today different.


Any Windows updates get installed over the weekend?

no windows updates, did windows restart and still happening. Going to update to the new RC and see if that helps.

OK, Still having the same issue after upgrading to RC candidate. Within Cinema, if I try to submit via the SubmitToDeadline plugin it still pops up with the machine list error. If I submit via the Deadline Launcher taskbar icon the machine list behaves properly. I’ve also deleted and reinstalled the C4D submitter but ended up with same result.

Could there be a cache file somewhere that the C4D submitter would be referencing versus the deadline repositories list of slave machines?

Try unzipping the attached file to \your\repository\submission\Cinema4D\Main, and then restart C4D to see if it fixes the problem.

This issue sounds like something we’ve run into in the past with Nuke and Maya, so we’re trying the same fix here to see if it helps.

Ryan (11.2 KB)

Yup, whatever that was it fixed the issue, thanks!

Awesome, thanks for confirming! We’ll include this fix in RC2.


cant see this script in RC 4 - was it omitted in error ?
also a question for you Josh are you using VRay DR standalone in this situation or c4d / vray via team render ? thx !

edit ! actually the script is on the repository. Is there a reason why scripts are in two different places ?



SVR_DEADLINE_ASSETS/submission/Cinema4D ( this is where the script is to be found )

The scripts folder in the repository is for all scripts that need to run in the context of Deadline (ie: the Monitor or the Web Service). Anything in the scripts/Submission folder is automatically added to the Submit menu in the Monitor.

The submission folder in the repository is for all the integrated scripts that are used within the various applications that Deadline supports.


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