C4D Team Render and Deadline issues

Hi All,

We’re starting to test C4D on our farm and are trying to start out with C4Ds Team Render. Deadline version is and C4D studio R17.048.
We have deadline running as a service with a service account & C4D server on another server as a service. Our farm consists of various W7 machines. We also have bonjour running on the nodes.

The 2 main issues we’re having are:

  1. Should deadline start the Team Render client automatically? We’re having to leave the nodes logged on and TR client running!
    Can i get some clarification from anyone already using it

  2. When the render finishes, the nodes don’t get released, i know there is another thread with this similar issue but it’s not quite the same thing.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated!!



Hey Raj,

Deadline is supposed to handle starting Team Render Client automatically for you, and also handle stopping it.

Is the ‘reserve clients’ button working correctly for you? I’m also wondering what your workflow has been. Since DR is kind of a shift from how you would use a conventional farm, it gets rather confusing. Can you go over what you’ve done step-by-step?



Hi Edwin,

thanks for getting back to me.

I ran a few more test this morning and have now got it all working. I think the problem was although bonjour was installed on the nodes it wasn’t working correctly. I can now leave the nodes logged off and deadline starts the TR client once the nodes are reserved. To get them to stop after the render completes i set the task timeout to 1 in the DLsubmission window so that seems to be working fine now!



Glad to hear it!