Camera culling for PRT volume?

Is camera culling supported in PRT volume? (for example, particles should be generated within camera frustum on source object?)
Also using PRT volume, I see that only one thread is being used, is it multithreaded?


You can do this with a KCM.

It’s really cool to do this for pre-lit particles, implying that you have a PRT Loader. You can’t really light camera-culled particles well, but there are ways to cheat it.

Oh, I suppose you could also just cull the mesh to the frustum. Using something like ProBooleans.

Yes, right now it’s possible to do by making selection by drawing geometry covering camera frustum and using it with vol. select to keep parts of source geometry of PRT volume which is within a camera.

But inbuilt option in PRT volume can be really nice.

The problem is the settings. Would you pad it out to allow for depth of field and motion blur? How? Do you cull for lights too? What about multiple cameras? Before too long you have a huge list of options that are overlapping with the functionality of the KCM’s. (though the KCM will be slower, of course).

What Chad said :slight_smile:

As for multi-threading, the PRT Volume is indeed still single-threaded.
It was on the ToDo list, but was pushed for the next round.
We felt it would be too dangerous to tweak at this point where there were more important things to do.
Only the PRT Loader and the PRT Maker are currently multi-threaded.