Can auxiliary files be added for anything? Not able to get it working with Maya startup script

Thanks for the digging haha, that code does appear but the permissions on the folder are locked down super tight by IT so I’m not really able to edit it currently.

I’m not 100% sure that code isn’t for other things though, for example it seems to be specifically for a script job (as in different to the startup script) in this code here, but in other places seems to contain generated MEL code from the “WriteBatchScriptFile” function:

        # This is script job, so we'll just execute the given script.
        self.ScriptFilename = self.GetPluginInfoEntry( "ScriptFilename" )
        if not Path.IsPathRooted( self.ScriptFilename ):
            self.ScriptFilename = Path.Combine( self.GetJobsDataDirectory(), self.ScriptFilename )

        if( not File.Exists( self.ScriptFilename ) ):
            self.FailRender( "MEL/Python Script File is missing: %s" % self.ScriptFilename )

A search for “startup” revealed this part, which if it happens to be the actual code, doesn’t have that .py check.

    # Need to execute the startup script now, after the scene has been loaded.
    if self.StartupScriptPath != "":
        scriptBuilder.AppendLine( 'if (!$loadFailed) {' )
        scriptBuilder.AppendLine( 'string $startupScriptName = "' + self.StartupScriptPath.replace( "\\", "/" ) + '";' )
        scriptBuilder.AppendLine( 'print ("Executing startup script: " + $startupScriptName + "\\n");' )
        scriptBuilder.AppendLine( 'eval( "source \\"" + $startupScriptName + "\\";" );' )
        scriptBuilder.AppendLine( '}' )