Can I make Deadline auto-suspend after preview frames?


I’m at a school and I want to make sure that the scenes students are submitting will work in regards to noise levels, lighting, etc. I see that the new version of Deadline has the ability to submit two jobs - one with just 5 or so frames as a test and then a dependent job with the rest of the frames, which is half of what I’m looking for.

Specifically, I want the dependent job to remain suspended until a Super-User can review the preview frames, to later release the rest of the job. I didn’t see if that feature was there - if it is, can you show me how to access it? If not, can this be a feature request?

  • Richard

Hello Richard,

I think what you would want to do is submit the jobs as suspended, and that should ensure it’s not picked up. If that doesn’t work, you might want to look at an OnJobSubmitted script to mark all dependent jobs as suspended, instead of pending. Do you have anyone who is familiar with Python programming?

Unfortunately, I’m not useful with Python, and don’t really have anyone we could ask to code something up.

How would I force all jobs to be submitted in a suspended state? It has the box in the submission window but since these are students I need to simply make the option default to “on” for them.

Can you set Deadline to submit all jobs in a suspended state?

Though I don’t know how to use Python, where can I find how to create and use a onjobsubmitted script?

Hi Richard,

May I ask what 3d software are you submitting from?

Hi - I’m submitting primarily from Maya, though we do have Houdini (via Mantra IFD submit) and Nuke as needed.

Here’s a pretty lean OnJobSubmitted script you can repurpose: … etJobLimit

You can replace the guts of OnJobSubmitted() function:

def OnJobSubmitted(self, job):

You can also re-name the folder and the files that make up the plugin to have it make more sense. Then, go into the “Configure Events” window under the “Tools” menu in the Monitor to enable it.

If you do make changes to the script, I’m finding lately that I have to re-start the Monitor if the “Sync Scripts and Plugins” is taking too long while testing.

If you end up having too much trouble here, just let me know and I can see about making the changes for you.

I did get a modded plugin to show up under events, but it has no parameters and I don’t know how to have it activated. I am attaching my broken attempt at making the suspend job event plugin.
SuspendJob.7z (839 Bytes)

The naming of the files within the plugin folder is very important. They need to match the folder’s name exactly. So, your first problem can be fixed by just renaming the files to “SuspendJob." from "suspend_job.”.

The second problem is probably even easier to fix. The buttom of your script is missing the proper indenting on the last line, so just make sure the number of spaces on line 33 matches the ones on line 22.

Let me know how the Python part of this works out. The whitespace indenting gets kind of frustrating if you’re not used to it. I remember thinking Python was awful because of it, but you get over that pretty quickly.