Can´t get reflections

Hi guys.
I´m studying Krakatoa and running version 2.6.1.
I followed exactly the example “Krakatoa Material Raytraced Reflections” but no reflections appear.
I have just a simple box which´s been converted to particles with PRT Volume and a simple sphere over it that´s supposed to get reflected on the box.
What am I missing?

The raytraced reflections are stored as extra Emission data in the particles.
So the basic rules are:

  • You must have >Use Emission checked,
  • The object to be reflected must be set as a Matte object,
  • The particles must have valid Normals (this is true for PRT Volume, so that should be ok),
  • The particles must have a Krakatoa Material with Emission enabled, and the Reflections also turned on.

Does your scene meet all requirements?

It worked.
I thought I was doing all the steps. I missed somethig.

Thanks Bobo.
