I was wondering if there was a way to turn off the Maya submitter from autosaving the file. While it is a lovely feature, some of the scenes I have are in the multi-gigabyte range and saving them takes a very, very long time. What happens is that I tell our students to go to file>save before any submission… and then the Deadline submitter goes ahead and saves it again. Wastes a lot of time.
Hey ,
I took a look at the deadline submission code,
There are a pile of places , where they are adding attributes or updating render globals, so technically they are modifying your scenes.
if you wanted to try and ignore the changes that are being made to the scene file, you could comment out the save that is occurring.
in your “SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel”, search the file for: “file -save;” . you could comment this out by placing // at the start.
If you want to look at what attributes they are modifing, in case you can have your students set these before hand, you want to search the mel file for all the “setAttr” commands.
Hope this helps.