Cannot read from network log because


We have a ‘tail’ running on some slaves thats just displaying the max.log contents in a command line window. I think its causing problems for deadline, i started noticing this in the logs:

2013-10-18 07:43:14: 0: WARNING: Cannot read from network log because: The process cannot access the file ‘C:\3ds Max 2012\Network\Max.log’ because it is being used by another process.

Its just a warning, but are we missing out on anything? Could it try to open the file for shared read?

I checked our code, and we’re already opening it with shared read, so that must mean something else (maybe your ‘tail’, or 3dsmax itself) currently has it open without shared read?

Whenever an error occurs during a max render, we always try to pull new information from the Max.log file to include it with the job’s error report.