AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Can't change first column in Panels

Smallish bug but still super annoying. If I try to change the first column in any panel, it won’t budge. Tried dragging other panels in front of it, no luck. Using Deadline on Windows 7 SP1. If there is any other details you need let me know.


After doing a bit more digging, it looks like the probem only exists with the first column option when you right click on the columns to see the options. Example, In the jobs panel, the first column you can select when you right click is “Job Name”. That’s the only column that has issues moving. In the tasks pane it’s “Task ID” which also has issues moving.

This was actually by design for the job list. In Deadline 7, we added the option to batch jobs together in the Monitor, and the Job Name column is the column you would use to expand/collapse the batch of jobs. However, we overlooked the fact that you could still use the right-click menu to hide or move the Job Name column.

Maybe we should just remove this restriction, and simply leave it up to the user…


After some further investigation, it appears that this is actually by design in Qt 5:

I was wondering why I couldn’t find the code that explicitly disabled it, and it turns out we’re not doing anything to cause this behaviour. :wink:

Maybe there is still something we can do to make this configurable though. We’ll have to explore further.


From a user perspective, this seems like a bug to be honest. For now, we are circulating the workaround of using the right click menu / customize option to reorder the columns if required.

We agree, and we’ve actually found a workaround to this limitation which we’ll be implementing for 7.1. We also found a way to keep the tree expansion arrow in the first column, regardless of what that column is.


Awesome, thanks Ryan!

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