Can't do VFB when rendering vrscene

I want to display VFB when rendering vrscene on another machine via deadline.
I am submitting a job from 3dsmax, but I don’t think there is a setting to display the VFB.

When submitting from a monitor, there is a setting to display VFB, but rendering fails.

Is there a solution?

I could be wrong but I don’t think this has not been possible for a very long time…
Maybe if you are rendering to vrimg then it might be doable to preview but anything else i am not sure.

when rendering with vray cloud they have the functionality to preview the render but i think they are rendering to vrimg and converting to your chosen file format after the fact.

but maybe someone who has more recent experience can chime in

thank you for your reply.
I think VFB display is important, so I’ll wait for someone else’s reply.
thank you.

you will have to ask on the chaos forums.