AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Cant install DB from ZIP


I’m getting >

Unable to run to
“C:/xx/xx/xxx/mongo/mongodb-win32-x86_64_windows-5.0.25\bin\mongod.exe --version” to verify the MoingoDB binaries. Please ensure you’re installing the proper version of MongoDB for your operating system.

How do I go about this?

Its offline system.

Its impossible to install any version, even from ZIP, they all errors. This is terrible!

Ok updated installer to latest, seems to work. Sigh entire day wasted.

Glad it’s working, not happy it didn’t do so immediately - do you recall which version of the Repository installer you were using and which version of Mongodb?

Hopefully you’ve still got the two files kicking around somewhere to reference.


Any mongoDb. Zip + download via installer.

Hope it helps.

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