An oversight from our testing, we can’t get network rendering to work due to the license. Is this just a case of a typo? krakatoa-max-render vs. krakatoa-render
Feature: krakatoa-render Filename: c:\flexlm\license.dat License path: c:\flexlm\license.dat; FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2" no such yadda yadda
We sent Chad the update license files (the HVM2 and his own node-locked one).
We fixed the krakatoa-render license and also made KMX2 and KR permanent (they were originally set to expire end of January).
Please let me know if you need the file sent somewhere else, otherwise ask Chad to check his email/support ticket…
I am having problems with my rendernodes after applying the update. I’m getting the infamous “no such feature exists” error on backburner… The nodes can render fine locally, so the license server is running…
The render license you received last year was not updated to the new name. The old license used “krakatoa-max-render”, the release version uses “krakatoa-render” on Deadline, and the same license can be used for Krakatoa SR (stand-alone on Windows and Linux). Thus the name change. Check your email for an updated license file and let me know if it fixes the issue…