Can't select hidden objects with geometry operator

Title says it all really.

If an object is hidden I don’t seem to be able to use select by name to add it to the geometry operator list.
It lets me select it, but it doesn’t actually appear in the list.


This is a bug 50/50 between me and Autodesk.
If you call selectByName showHidden:false in MAXScript and the user checks the “Show Hidden” in the Scene Explorer - based Select By Name dialog, the hidden objects will NOT be selected. This is Autodesk’s bug.
My bug was that I actually set the option to showHidden:false. Passing true would show the hidden objects by default and you could hide them if you don’t want them, but selecting them WILL include them in the selection. I will pass true from now on, you can even edit your file by searching for “selectByName” and changing the showHidden: from false to true if you want to fix it now.

Will be fixed in the next Beta build.
