cast shadow?

Dear Krak Beta Team,

is it my stupidity of unknown greatness or can´t krakatoa cast shadows on matte objects or maybe the ground? It´s a point renderer so it would make sense to me…

i cached the ground plane as matte object and rendered a test sequence. no shadows at all. only self shadowing…

kind regards


This is still WIP. In 0.9.9, you will see first steps of the implementation. A new rollout called “Shadows On Geometry” will contain a >Save Attenuation Maps When Rendering option and another button that is still disabled.

When you enable that option and render, the attenuation maps (similar to shadow maps) will be saved in a sub-folder of the output called \Shadows.

Later, there will be a scripted utility that will apply these maps to the scene’s lights as IFL sequences in the Projector slot, thus attenuating the light based on the data saved by Krakatoa. You would set the renderer to Scanline, Brazil, VRay, mental ray, fR or whatever and render as usual.

The attenuation map in conjunction with a regular Shadow Map enabled in the light would create a shadow from particles (that are not in the scene) affecting the scene objects.

Then you can comp. the Krakatoa Pass and the Shadows On Geometry pass and you will get the final image where Krakatoa particles are casting shadows on the scene objects.

There is still some work to be done, esp. support for Omni lights. We tested Spots here and it is looking good, but we are not shipping the Utility script to apply the maps to the lights yet, so you will have to wait for another beta build before you can do it with a single button click…


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

ah i see! good to know that :slight_smile:

glad that´s available soon…the renderings always look kinda hovering without ground shadows :frowning: