Change icon for manual job submission

Is there any way to specify an icon override for a manual job submission? Occasionally I render with command line jobs or Python jobs that more or less call Vray, Nuke, etc. and it would be handy to be able to manually submit the command line job and add something like Icon=Vray to have Deadline show the Vray icon instead of the command line icon.

Purely cosmetic but would be a nice feature if it’s not already available.

It doesn’t exist at the moment. It’s a 1:1 between the plugin name as far as I know. I think assumptions are made I think in the data controller that displays the icons for efficiency reasons. It’s also built at Monitor start-up so that’d need changing too…

May this thread exist for “me too!” folks. I assume loading arbitrary icons would be preferred, though the overhead of that might be difficult if there were a large number of icons.

Thanks for letting me know. FWIW in my case I’d be happy with being restricted to icons for existing plugins, no need for arbitrary icons at the moment.