AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Changing job tabs, task view does not update

This has been reported by one of our users:

"When changing tabs in a Job view, update visible Task views to show tasks for the currently selected job in the new Job tab. Currently the job has to be re-selected, otherwise there is a mismatch between the visible selected Job and the visible Tasks.
Example: You switch to the Deadline window and forget that Tasks and Jobs were left out of sync. You accidentally use the wrong task info for the job you’re looking at. "

This current behaviour is by design. While in this particular case it might make sense to change the task list (and other panels that depend on the selected job) when the tab changes, what about the case where there are more than one job list visible at the same time? I guess we could base it on whichever job panel currently has focus, but that could still be confusing if you are looking at multiple job panels at the same time.


There is no real way of linking a ‘dependent’ panel to a ‘control panel’… without that, having multiple job panels visible and used with a task panel can get confusing. I haven’t seen anybody use multiple job panels parallel to be honest, other than on different tabs.

Best would be if you could link panels for these types of dependencies. Amongst the link options, one (maybe the default) could be “active focus”, which would simply use whichever job panel is active (last clicked in, selected).

Currently, you can have multiple of each panel, but functionally its not useful for panels other than job/slave. For example, i open 2 task report panels, then try to compare two different job’s reports. I can’t do that. As soon as i select a task, both report panels sync to the same report listing… Same goes for task panels.

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