Changing values of particles positions


I have saved particles which are moving by wind forces but I want to change particles Z position value to 0 , so all particles will line up on XY plane and later I want them to deform using noise modifier or deformable object via KSM.

I get the last part but I don’t know how can I planner particles to XY plane using KCE.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Jignesh,

You can use a Magma flow that Reads the ‘Position’ channel, then uses two ToScalar nodes to get the X and Y elements (1 and 2 respectively), and finally use a ToVector, passing in the scalar x component, the scalar y component and a Input Value node with a float of 0. That should set the position to [X,Y,0], assuming the particle’s original position is [X,Y,Z].

Attached is a flow that performs the flattening by replacing Z with 0. (549 Bytes)

thanks darcy and bobo for the help. I will check this at office.

Also I found that particle file size for one frame is like 47MB and There are 700 frames ( and it supposed to be increase over time…) So I can’t save particles now and renderind directly.

But Is there anyway I can use KCE with particleflow directly without saving particles to disk? and performing this workflow?

Yes, Global KCMs (applied via the Global Render Values > Global Channel Override Sets) are applied to ALL particles regardless of their source, thus they also work on PFlow, Legacy Max Particles, TP particles, Geometry Vertices, FumeFX particles, you name it. Just add a new set (it will add a KCM to a special holder object in the scene automatically) and set up the flow there.

Thanks for quick reply. and then later can I displace/deforme pflow particles with KSW?

What I am doing is making Boat foams. I have got the setup but to keep it fast I didn’t use lockbond or any operator (like speed surface ) to travel particles over sea surface. I want to do it later with Krakatoa tools to faster the workflow.

But if it will take time directly doing with pflow (i mean flattening and deforming with KCE and KSW), I would clear some space on HDD and would go with Save particles. But I am open to explore all options.

Thanks again.

KSW only works on geometry objects’ modifier stack. You cannot apply a KSW after the Global KCMs because the particles are already in memory for rendering.
The way we did the foam trail from the raft in Journey To The Center Of The Earth was to render the particles from a down-looking camera in Krakatoa without flattening them, then project the result as texture from the same camera onto the mesh surface in another renderer (in that case, Gelato).

Thanks Bobo for help.

I found it easier to do with projection mapping. I am trying that way.