Choose which repo to submit to?


Can you specify which deadline repo to submit to via maxscript (or some other method?).

I’m just testing our workflow in Deadline 10, but I have to keep changing the environment variable to either dl9 or dl10 so that the smtd script sends the job to the correct repo.


I tried changing the Env. variable using MAXScript, and it almost worked, but trying to flip between Deadline 10, 9 and 8 using scripting made 3ds Max unstable and crashed seriously several times. So I don’t recommend attempting it.

There is no good way to modify SMTD to do what you want without rewriting it for every version. As we are not going to do this on our side (implications are severe), you could do that, but then you would not be able to easily update any of your versions to the latest build when we release updates.

So at this point closing Max, changing the Env. variable and starting Max again is the only safe way to do it.

Thanks for looking into it Bobo.

Hopefully we will move over to Deadline 10 sooner rather than later :slight_smile: