Cinebench Slaves and put results to Deadline (Windows Only)

Hi all,

Thomas and Edwin from Thinkbox came to visit me in sunny Melbourne today, thanks, it was a pleasure to meet you both. They suggested I post a script that I’ve done. It’s really simple, it simply runs Cinebench on slaves, selected from within Deadline Monitor, and puts the result into the ExtraInfo0 key for each slave. I find it useful, hopefully someone else out there will too.

It’s a windows .bat file. It could be done through python I guess, but I just knocked it up quickly. This forum does not allow .bat files to be uploaded, so just paste the code below into notepad and call it what you will.bat!


Adrian Oostergetel

[code]:: Cinebench Machine and Report to Deadline.bat
:: From the slaves window in Deadline, right click on a machine (or machines) go to “remote control” -> “execute command” and
:: enter “\share\path\to\Cinebench Machine and Report to Deadline.bat” and click “ok”.
:: The script runs Cinebench and writes the results to a log file. From that logfile it finds the cpu score and sets
:: the ExtraInfo0 field to the cinebench result. The log file is not deleted.

:: Set variable paths
set cinebenchPath="\share\path\to\Cinebench\CINEBENCH Windows 64 Bit.exe"
set logFilePath="\share\path\to\Cinebench\Network_Computer_Results%computername%_CinebechResults.log"
set deadlinePath=“C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline7\bin\deadlinecommand.exe”

:: Run Cinebench
%cinebenchPath% -cb_cpux >%logFilePath%

:: Open Logfile created by Cinebench and find the cpu score
echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f “Tokens=* Delims=” %%x in (‘FINDSTR Rendering %logFilePath%’) do set Score=!Score!%%x
echo Cinebench Score from text file = !Score!
set scoreResult=!Score!

for /F “tokens=5 delims= " %%a in (”%scoreResult%") do (
echo scoreFloat = %%a
set scoreFloat=%%a

:: Update The ExtraInfo0 field for this slave with the cinebench score
%deadlinePath% -SetSlaveSetting %computername% ExtraInfo0 “%scoreFloat%”


Mike might beat me to it, but I want to write a maintenance job plugin that you can just submit to the farm! Maybe I’ll relent and give it to Charles as practice. Thanks so much for the example and the idea!

Cool stuff. In the current shipping version of Deadline ( you can use the “CommandLine” plugin to submit arbitrary shell/cmd line jobs to the Maintenance job type: … -line.html

We should probably consider adding a few different benchmarking apps as plugins - like Cinebench, 3DMark, HDTune, etc.

Yes please!

It would be great if the benchmark results could be used by deadline to determine which free slave to pick over another one…


Would be great for populating the Normalized Render Speed factor.


I was testing the Cinebench job submitted through the Monitor, and it runs fine, but I cant work out where the results are recorded?
