Hi everyone,
We’ve been getting a lot of questions about Cinema 4D 13 support. We already support this version in Deadline 5.1, which is currently in beta (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5919). If you are unable to use the beta version at this time, you can manually add support for Cinema 4D 13 to your current version of Deadline by following these steps:
- Go to \your\repository\plugins\Cinema4D and open Cinema4D.param in a text editor. Add these lines to the bottom:
Label=C4D 13 Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Maxon\CINEMA 4D R13\CINEMA 4D.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxon\CINEMA 4D R13\CINEMA 4D.exe;/Applications/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R13/CINEMA 4D.app/Contents/MacOS/CINEMA 4D
Description=The path to the Cinema 4D executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.
Save the file.
- While still in \your\repository\plugins\Cinema4D, open Cinema4D.dlinit in a text editor. Add this line:
C4D_13_RenderExecutable=C:\Program Files\Maxon\CINEMA 4D R13\CINEMA 4D.exe;C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxon\CINEMA 4D R13\CINEMA 4D.exe;/Applications/MAXON/CINEMA 4D R13/CINEMA 4D.app/Contents/MacOS/CINEMA 4D;c:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R13 Demo\CINEMA 4D Demo 64 Bit.exe
Save the file, and you should now be able to configure the C4D 13 path from the Monitor in the Plugin Configuration (which you can access from the Tools menu while in super user mode).
- If you submit C4D jobs from the Monitor, you’ll want to go to \your\repository\scripts\Submission\Cinema4DSubmission and open Cinema4DSubmission.py in a text editor. Modify the creation of the Version combo box so that the line of code looks like this:
Save the file, and you’re all set!
- Finally, the existing python version of the integrated C4D submitter should just fine in C4D 13:
thinkboxsoftware.com/deadlin … _and_Later