here’s a little workaround to stop the Cinema 4D Console in MS Windows from popping up every time your machine starts to render a chunk while you’re working.
In my case I didn’t wanted to waste the render-power of my 12-core machine while authoring a DVD or something similar low render-intense. While the machine is switched on, it could as well help to render some other tasks.
Problem: The Console might pop up every 12 seconds, because someone set the chunksize to 1. The Console window stays on top, when it’s starting! So you need to minimize it everytime manually, while in the middle of an important email or a post such like this one
So I used AutoHotkey to minimize the Console as soon as it appears.
You simply need to copy the text below into a text-document and change the file-ending from .txt to .ahk. Right-clicking on the file → Run Script
You might also throw the .ahk file into your Windows-Startup folder if you’re keeping your slave enabled almost every day.
This is definately not the most elegant way to solve this little bugger, but it’s done quite fast.
If I figure out a more direct way of stopping the Console window from popping up, i’ll answer here.
Maybe this helps someone from beeing disturbed all the time, while rendering in the background and working in the foreground.
CPU-Usage: 0% (well ok,it’s a 12-core, i’m running it at)
Mem-Usage: 5%
Duration: always