If you’ve installed the files on a machine you should be able copy them across and this will (should) stop the activation.
I can’t remember where this was as I can’t get an NFR license for testing from Maxon (they’ve stopped using resellers)
This is annoying now as I’m getting many clients with this issue, so i’ve had to dig out what i did previously
I believe there were 3x files from here
C:\ProgramData\Maxon\License Server\prefs
(They weren’t, I dug this out from somewhere else and they’re local to the user!)
replace ‘user’ with your user and XXXXXXX with your build
“C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Maxon Cinema 4D R21_XXXXXXXX\licenseserver.json”
“C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Maxon Cinema 4D R21_XXXXXXXX\licensetype.prf”
“C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Maxon Cinema 4D R21_XXXXXXXX\offline.license.cinema4d-release”
I can’t test beyond here, interested to see how this works with the linux CLR version!
PS. Use the export to standalone Arnold / Redshift / Octane (10.1 only) and skip the CLR altogether