AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Cinema4D 2023 Support

Hi All,

Maxon released the latest version Cinema4D the other day, it’s not called R27 or S27 but 2023, so a different entry in the plugin menu

C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023

To test this I’ve added the following to the param file in the c4d and c4dbatch plugin


Label=C4D 2023 Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023\Commandline.exe;/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/;C:\Program Files\Maxon CINEMA 4D 2023\CINEMA 4D.exe;/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2023/CINEMA 4D;
Description=The path to the Cinema 4D executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

Create the plugins folder in Cinema4D
C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023\plugins

Then manually copy the submission script across from

This is working for me on basic jobs, don’t forget to license the commandline.exe


Hey! Thank you for this.

I’ve implemented this and it is working using submission from C4D, but if I submit directly through deadline the option for 2023 in the version dropdown is missing. Does that use a different script?

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yes, modify this script here

open up in text editor and search SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, you’ll need to update the following line (it’s line 30 for me)

SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = ["12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26"]

and add the version on the end

SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = ["12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "2023"]

This should really be put in the custom folder, but hopefully the next release will include 2023 support, else if you upgrade you’ll lose this modification


Fantastic, that’s worked. Thank you.

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I’m still getting an error - “Deadline was unable to find the plugin configuration option ‘C4D_2023_RenderExecutable’ for the selected version of Cinema 4D 2023.”

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

Did you modify both scripts?
Is 2023 installed at the location specified in the plugin configuration?


I have updated the patch for Cinema 4D 2023 plugin with unofficial support with Deadline and I hope it would work, but haven’t tested it myself. I am attaching the zip file here on the thread with the steps to install files:

Backup and Replace the files manually from the zip folder:

copy in

copy in

copy in 

You would need to install the submitter manually for Cinema 4d integrated submitter: (Cinema 4D — Deadline documentation) (11.5 KB)



Seems to be working, thank you very much!

This post is quite old now, is this still the only way to get C4D 2023 working in Deadline ? Is there an official release coming?


As of Deadline, Cinema 4D 2023 is still not officially support. Unforunately, I won’t be able to share the roadmap information. The unofficial patch is the workaround for now if you want to use Cinema 4D 2023 on the Deadline farm.
Look forward to Deadline release notes for future bug fixtures and feature releases: Release History — Deadline documentation

Is there any update on this - 9 months seems excessive for support of a mainstream application.

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Any news on the subject would be very helpful.

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Any news? 2023 support? whave we a release date?

cue the default AWS response of ‘we don’t disclose our roadmap’

it looks like releases are now limited to quarterly bundles, so I image (hope) this will be released in August.

I wouldn’t be suprised to see it tie in with SIGGRAPH dates, maybe we’ll see Deadline 10.3 and some fancy USD integration

Sorry guys!!

C4D 2023’s official support is not released yet. What we have shared here is the unreleased official support. I cannot tell ETA on the release.

Are you seeing issue/bugs with what is shared here? (82.1 KB)

You can install the submission script manually by following here: Cinema 4D — Deadline documentation

official support released 4th Aug 2023

shame the mail notification of updates stopped

Hi guys! @zainali Any chance we can get an unofficial script for C4D 2024? thank you!


You could just add to the file you have, use the same submission script in 2024 and test if it actually works

Label=C4D 2024 Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2024\Commandline.exe;/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2024/;C:\Program Files\Maxon CINEMA 4D 2024\CINEMA 4D.exe;/Applications/MAXON CINEMA 4D 2024/CINEMA 4D;
Description=The path to the Cinema 4D executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.
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