Cleaning up auxiliary files

Hi guys,
I’m a bit new to deadline. Is there any design in deadline for removing old auxiliary files together with the records ?

  • Nicky

No worries. Let’s see if we can help here. In short, yes to answer your question. You need House Cleaning & Job Cleanup , both under Monitor → Tools → Super User Mode → “Configure Repository Options…”:

House Cleaning: … ings-label

Automatic Job Cleanup is part of House Cleaning, so configure your settings here: … ml#cleanup

It’s kind of working. Thanks ~

May I confirm that to have the auxiliary files deleted together with the job I could set the “Hours after a job is deleted before it is purged from the database” to 0 ?

  • Nicky

The aux files should be deleted with the job after it’s sat in purgatory for two hours. By default, Deadline waits a configurable amount of time before truely deleting jobs in case you wanted to un-delete them:

If the jobs are removed from there, but their auxiliary files are still around that is likely either a bug or a permissions problem. The permissions problem is easy to check. Just record the job id of a job to be deleted, wait for it to be removed, then try and delete the associated folder from “[repo]\jobs” on a machine where a Slave or Pulse is running.

I see. Thx !