Cleaning up Global-Path deadline job files

This is a bit of a question for the community. SMTD allows you to save scene files to somewhere other than the repository. Since we moved our repository to the cloud we no longer upload job files to the repository as that would be painful bottleneck on bandwidth.

The one problem we’re seeing now is that it’s creating data on our file server in the new Global Job Assets Path but never deleting them. Could we create a global deadline concept of a folder that is disconnected from the \Deadline10Repository\jobs\ path and defined globally in the Deadline Settings (Database). That similarly slaves will perform cleanup on when a job is deleted from the queue?

Right now it’s haphazardly defined in each submission script. Is this something other studios would be interested in?

When the scene file is copied to an alternative location, the path to it is stored in a property of the job (SceneFile=). This obviously decouples the scene content from the job description, which can be a desirable outcome (deleting the job does not delete the scene file which can be a useful backup copy).

However, it appears that in your case this is not desirable. So I wonder if the Delete Job operation in Deadline should check the SceneFile= entry and optionally (via a Repository Settings option) delete the file when the job is deleted? Keep in mind that deleting a job does not do this permanently until the Deleted Jobs collection is purged after a specified amount of time. … l-deletion
So when you delete a job from the Monitor, the respective scene file would not go away immediately. Once the deleted job is ultimately purged, then the scene file would be deleted, too…

That would be an acceptable workaround.

But I think it would still be nice to have this path be a true global repository setting for the path itself. Maybe even a per-region path.